King's Landing South Tower, 1515 Homer Mews, BC

Developer's Website for King's Landing South Tower

1515 Homer Mews, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 3E8
No of Levels: 22, No of Suites: 60, Status: Completed
Winter 2005, Year Built: 2005
MAP 1 - Concord Pacific, Downtown & Yaletown Area
Concierge: 604-608-0373, Type: Freehold
Bldg # 128
Building News Articles



King's Landing

King's Landing Sign
At Turnaround

King's Landing 428/430 Sign

King's Landing 428 Beach

King's Landing West Tower & Mid-rise

King's Landing West Tower, Mid-rise, Waterfront
& South Tower

King's Landing West Tower & Mid-rise

King's Landing West Tower & Mid-rise

428 Beach &


Waterfront Townhomes

428 Beach Entrance


428 Beach Entrance
Looking East At
Turnaround &
Rec. Centre

428 Beach


428 Beach & 455 Beach

428 Beach, 455 Beach
& Georgia Wainburn

428 Beach

Sea Wall In Front Of King's Landing

King's Landing Townhouses

King's Landing Townhouses

King's Landing Townhouses

428 Beach



430 Beach Entrance


George Wainburn
455 & 428 Beach

George Wainburn
Park & 428 Beach


George Wainburn
Park & 428 Beach

George Wainburn
Park & 428 Beach


420/426 Beach

428 Beach & 430
Beach Entrance & Turnaround

King's Landing South Tower 1515 Homer

King's Landing South
Tower Entrance

King's Landing
& South Tower


King's Landing South Tower & Townhouses

King's Landing South Tower

King's Landing South Tower

King's Landing South
Tower Entrance

420 Beach Entrance

420 Beach Entrance

Recreational Centre
420 Beach

428 Beach & 430
Beach Entrance & Turnaround

420 Beach Entrance - Rec. Centre

King's Landing South
Tower Parkade

King's Landing South Tower Townhouses
South of Entrance

King's Landing

Rec. Centre

Rec. Centre

Beach Crescent

David Lam Park
Tennis Courts