Housing Bubble”…We’re Hanging From A $300 Billion Rope…On Its Last Thread “

Saturday, December 9th, 2006

Alan Greenspan

Financial pundits claim we’re nearing the end of the “soft landing” in the real estate market. And Alan Greenspan recently confirmed the sentiment, saying the real estate market has most likely seen its darkest days.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth…

Right now, frightening pieces of information are surfacing that could spell disaster – for both investors and homeowners. And, quite frankly, no one is giving it much attention.

To be sure, the collapse will be far worse than the experts predict… We’re not even close to the bottom in real estate. And the impending plunge will have everything to do with a “quiet” $300 billion figure and a “cancellation” rate that will send any potential buyer running… fast.

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