Archive for January, 2007

Rare well done: In a very good year for new restaurants, we found one that stood out from the rest

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

Mia Stainsby

Brian Fowke, owner/chef of Rare restaurant on Hornby, displays his duck appetizer. Photograph by : Mark van Manen, Vancouver Sun

I’m sure Vancouver’s howling winds and biblical rains deterred diners, and the boil-water advisory created snarls in restaurant kitchens, but all in all, 2006 was a very fine year. Restaurants rode in and out of the year on the back of a strong B.C. economy.

“There’s a high level of optimism,” says Ian Tostenson, president of the B.C. Restaurant and Food Services Association. The boil-water advisory had an up side as far as he’s concerned.

“One thing we learned was how quickly and professionally this industry responds. It showed we can prepare ourselves for the Olympics or a crisis. It was pretty cool,” he says. (Apart from some coffee shops, most restaurants stayed opened during the water advisory.)

The Olympic Games looms large in his mind as a challenge to the industry.

“In 2010, when we invite the world and when they leave, what they’ll remember are their experiences in restaurants. I’m going to make sure it’s good. Restaurants are the driving culture in cities and communities throughout B.C. That’s my personal opinion,” he says.

BCRFA is working on getting restaurants on board by showcasing B.C. products, being superhosts and offering advice and resources to restaurants. Productivity and technology issues are huge, too, with worker shortage. “We have to learn how to do more for less,” he says.

One of the optimists, Sean Heather, sees his flagship restaurant, Irish Heather, as something of a barometer for the industry. Readings were so good, he opened a couple of new places and another one is on the way in a couple of months. (His restaurant Salt opened last year. Lucky Diner squeaked in at the end of December. Pepper opens at the end of February.)

“We’ve been doing exceptionally well, breaking all previous records and we’re not doing anything different than before,” he says of the Irish Heather. “There’s way more money and a lot more people are eating out now.”

The fact that people spend $20 on a glass of whisky “without batting an eye” is a pretty good indicator, he says. “And we’re not talking tourists.”

Many Irish Heather customers are local architects and graphic designer types — when they’re flush, the economy, and thus restaurants, are A-okay, so long as the basics are covered.

As usual, hundreds of new eateries opened in Greater Vancouver last year, and they met with varying degrees of success. One restaurant, Century, started out as a vibrant newcomer early but by year’s end the chef with the sexy Latin moves in the kitchen had moved back to the U.S., the food slid downhill and the Latin American theme was left to the music and Che Guevara mural.

A couple of highly anticipated restaurants didn’t sprint fast enough to cater to the lucrative December trade — Fuel and La Buca will be opening soon.

And of course, some newcomers stood out from the rest. Here, then, are my picks for the top 10 best new restaurants that opened in 2006.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007


Building permits hit almost $1b in November

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

It was the highest amount ever recorded in one month

Derrick Penner

Contractors across Greater Vancouver took out almost $1 billion worth of building permits in November, the highest amount ever recorded in a single month, the Vancouver Regional Construction Association said Wednesday.

Builders sought permits on $933 million in work in November, according to Statistics Canada’s survey on building permit activity. The construction association said that surpasses the previous record of $733 million recorded in June 2004.

And non-residential permits of $380 million topped the record set in the previous month.

“[Growth in permits] is very strong and consistent with what we were expecting to see on the non-residential side,” Keith Sashaw, president of the Vancouver Regional Construction Association, said in an interview.

On the residential side, Sashaw said changes to B.C.’s building code for exterior-finishing requirements that took effect in December might have brought many of those permits forward into November.

However, on the non-residential side, permits were also up with “a nice mix” of commercial, institutional and industrial projects, Sashaw added. He said there was no single project that skewed November’s numbers higher.

“Again, that’s one of the underlying reasons for optimism about what’s happening in the construction industry,” Sashaw said.

For 2006 up to Nov. 30, the value of non-residential permits was up 38 per cent to almost $2.6 billion. Commercial-project permits were up the most at 51 per cent.

Residential permits were up almost nine per cent to the end of November to almost $4.4 billion.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007


Apple brings the Net into your pocket

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

Gone is the keyboard; just touch the 3.5-inch screen

Murray Hill

Apple CEO Steve Jobs describes iPhone as being five years ahead of other cellphones. Photograph by : Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO – Apple CEO Steve Jobs heard something familiar Tuesday at the Macworld Conference and Expo — a loud buzz from delegates who had just heard him describe the long-anticipated iPhone.

iPhone can take multiple calls and set up conferences, take photos through the two-megapixel onboard camera and send them in seconds. Voicemail is standard and users have the capacity to selectively listen to voicemail in whatever order they wish — avoiding wading through the mass of messages of a standard voicemail system.

It has no keyboard, just a 3.5-inch screen. The slim device fits in the palm of your hand with a glass face and a chrome back. It has no buttons other than volume, wake and sleep controls.

iPhone is revolutionary and magical,” Jobs said. “We are all born with the ultimate pointing device — our fingers — and iPhone uses them to create the most revolutionary user interface since the mouse.”

Jobs described it as five years ahead of other cellphones.

From the screen, consumers can load music, videos, movies, audio books, contact lists, calendars, phone numbers, browser favourites and more all on the same device.

“It’s the Internet in your pocket,” Jobs beamed.

Instead of the familiar scroll wheel iPod users like so much, users brush their fingers across the screen to navigate to a particular song or movie. A tap of a finger on the screen plays that song. Album art is displayed in beautiful colour and to see a wider view you turn the device from a portrait mode into landscape mode and it automatically rotates the image and enlarges it to fit the screen.

The iPhone is available only as a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) phone on the Cingular network in the U.S. and won’t be available until June. Rollout in Canada and other countries will follow. It will come in 4GB and 8Gb versions that will retail for $499 and $599 US on a two-year contract.

As an Internet device, the iPhone supports Apple’s Safari web browser.

A partnership with Yahoo Mail offers free e-mail to purchasers with push technology so e-mail is delivered to the device without having to get it. Another partnership with Google involves having Google’s search engine onboard, including Google Maps.

Apple has registered more than 200 patents on the iPhone.

Jobs said he hopes to capture one per cent of the world’s cellphone market — about 10 million devices — with the iPhone. But the consensus among delegates was that goal was very low.

Also Tuesday, Jobs said Apple will begin taking orders immediately for the $299 US video box called Apple TV. It will ship next month. The gadget is designed to bridge computers and television sets so users can more easily watch their downloaded movies on a big screen. A prototype of the gadget was displayed by Jobs in September when Apple announced it would sell TV shows and movies through its iTunes online store.

Jobs also announced Tuesday that the company in being renamed to just “Apple Inc.” He said the name change is meant to reflect the fact that Apple has matured from a computer manufacturer to a full-fledged consumer electronics company.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007


Apple’s iPhone has your number

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

New toy rocks markets

Jim Jamieson

Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs created a frenzy among Mac-heads and other technophiles yesterday by introducing its long-awaited iPhone.

A morphing of Apple’s iconic iPod media player and a cellphone, the iPhone is controlled by touch, plays music, takes digital photos, surfs the Internet and runs the Macintosh computer operating system.

Jobs, in his annual address at the Macworld Conference and Expo in San Francisco, predicted the iPhone will “reinvent” the telecommunications sector and “leapfrog” past the current generation of hard-to-use smart phones.

Signalling its increasing focus on consumer electronics, Jobs also renamed the company to Apple Inc.

The iPhone — which will retail with a two-year contract at $499 US for the four-gigabyte model and $599 for the eight-GB version — will launch in the U.S. in June through Cingular.

An Apple spokesman said there are no details yet for when the iPhone will be available in Canada.

The iPhone will compete for a share of the $127-billion world cellphone market against Motorola and Nokia, which are struggling to fuel sales of their own phones with music and Internet connections.

Jobs said Apple has a goal of gaining one per cent of the global market for mobile phones, or 10 million phones per year, by the end of 2008 — but most analysts thought that figure was low.

“The device looks cool, it’s thinner, has no buttons, so — just like the scroll wheel became the defining element of the iPod — it looks like a great idea,” said Simon Fraser University professor of communication Richard Smith, whose lecture yesterday morning was interrupted when news of the iPhone sparked an impromptu discussion.

“There have been all kinds of attempts to get more real estate on a phone, with sliders and hinges, but here you have buttons and screen in one interface.”

Smith predicted Apple’s design strengths and the iPhone’s ability to automatically synch with users’ computers will make it a formidable competitor.

“This is where the iPod just cleaned up, it was so tightly integrated with iTunes,” said Smith. “Now every iPod connector is a charger for your phone.”

The phone automatically synchs movies, music, photos through Apple’s ITunes Music Store. The device also synchs e-mail content, web bookmarks and nearly any type of digital content stored on a computer.

The iPhone also threaten smartphone makers Research In Motion (BlackBerry) and Palm (Treo), whose stock prices yesterday dropped 7.9 per cent and 5.7 per cent, respectively.

Jobs also unveiled a TV set-top box that allows people to send video from their computers and announced the number of songs sold on its ITunes Music Store has topped two billion.

© The Vancouver Province 2007

More homeowners top the limit for provincial grants

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

Assessments: 97,646 homes were valued at more than $780,000 this year

Derrick Penner

The province hasn’t yet decided whether to expand its provincial homeowners’ grant program, although the number of properties that broke through its ceiling exploded this year.

Some 97,646 homes were valued at more than $780,000 on 2007 property assessments compared with 54,518 a year ago, according to data extracted by Landcor Data Corp. from B.C. Assessment Authority assessment figures. That’s an increase of 70 per cent.

Now 7.7 per cent of all residential properties — excluding seasonal residences and rental apartments — are above the cutoff for homeowner grants. Only 4.4 per cent of such properties topped the grant’s ceiling a year ago.

Finance Minister Carole Taylor said her staff is reviewing the B.C. Assessment Authority’s final report this week, adding that that government is “committed to making sure the homeowners’ grant really does help” taxpayers.

“There’s no question,” Taylor said. “These increased assessments, if unaltered, would affect a number of people in B.C.”

In the past, she said, the province’s practice has been to structure the grant so that 95 per cent of households qualify for the assistance, which is used to offset the municipal property taxes.

Government, over the past three years, has raised the homeowners’ grant’s ceiling to account for skyrocketing property values. Taylor, in her last budget, bumped the threshold up by $95,000 and increased the grant by $100 to $570.

Taylor was less committal on whether the province would use some of its projected budget surplus to reduce the province’s property-transfer tax, although the windfall from that levy is forecast to contribute $200 million to B.C.’s expected $2 billion surplus for 2006-07.

Taylor initially budgeted for $750 million of revenue from the transfer tax, but by the second-quarter update she forecast it would collect $950 million by the end of the government’s fiscal year on March 31.

“We’ll look at those [tax] numbers,” Taylor said. “At this point, you have to say is that what [taxpayers’] preference would be, to reduce the transfer tax, or would it be to use that money for debt reduction, or some other tax relief?

“It’s all trade-offs.”

Taylor added that the government finance committee’s public-consultation report for the 2007 budget listed items such as debt reduction and healthcare spending as top priorities.

In the meantime, BC Assessment officials have not yet been inundated with property-assessment appeals.

James Grant, BC Assessment’s area assessor for the Vancouver-Sea to Sky region, said that provincewide, calls to BC Assessment offices following the distribution of assessments were down “noticeably” from a typical January.

Grant added that for his office, the call volume was down about 25 per cent compared with the same period a year ago. Traffic on BC Assessment’s website, however, increased 10 to 20 per cent, Grant said.

Public inquiries at other Lower Mainland offices, however, varied.

Property owners have until Jan. 31 to appeal their assessments, and can do so online at:

© The Vancouver Sun 2007

Builders selling Whistler in Shanghai

Monday, January 8th, 2007

Businesspeople in Whistler are starting to look to China for buyers for their luxury properties

Joanne Lee-Young

Frank Fletcher is taking Whistler to Shanghai in search of new high-net-worth clients. Photograph by : Vancouver Sun, Handout photo

Frank Fletcher has been building high-end homes at Whistler for about a decade. His company, Kyber Developments, specializes in completely over-the-top, luxury homes of the multi-million-dollar, 5,000-square-feet-plus kind.

Many of Kyber’s sales have been to a small group of Hong Kong-based clients. Over the years, this little coterie has been so enamoured of Whistler that it has invested in some 80 properties there, according to Fletcher.

Now, he is taking Whistler to Shanghai in search of new high-net-worth clients.

Fletcher recently attended a luxury property trade show in Shanghai. For three days, islands, villas, yachts and resorts from around the world were on display. Fletcher and a few Whistler realtors and other developers collected business cards, passed out Maple Leaf lapel pins and fielded questions.

Interest in China by Whistler businesspeople comes, ironically, just as Intrawest ULC, owner of the Whistler Blackcomb resort, has abruptly aborted its China expansion plans.

Last spring, the company courted press inquiries into its China plans, telling reporters it had developed “extremely good” relations with local governments and businesses in the Chinese provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang.

Forbes magazine ran stories about “Hugh Smythe’s China Adventure,” describing the pioneer and president of Whistler opting out of a trip to the Turin Olympics so he could visit 13 Chinese ski areas in 14 days. Smythe told Forbes the company was in talks to manage up to 10 ski areas and property developments involving up to $500 million in equity investment.

However, with the purchase of Intrawest by New York-based Fortress Investment Group in October, the company has dropped its China team and put the entire project on hold so it can focus on North America.

But that hasn’t discouraged Frank Fletcher and his colleagues from testing the mainland Chinese waters themselves.

“There are two types of nouveau money [in China],” Fletcher said. “One is less knowledgeable about foreign environments. The other is better travelled, western-educated and understands the overseas property business,” said Fletcher.

The Shanghai show yielded some active inquiries, but no specific sales have been made yet. “Down the road, it will happen,” said Fletcher.

He added that skiing is very popular in China even though the facilities are rudimentary. “There is a strong appetite for recreational activity that is emerging among the generation of Chinese people who have been educated during a time when there was sufficient disposable income to consider recreation.”

Fletcher’s insights come, in part, from a long association with Asia. He is American by birth, but lived most of his adult life in Hong Kong from 1971 to 1999 before relocating his family permanently to Whistler and becoming a Canadian. He continued buying and developing lots at Whistler, filling them with grand homes.

In fact, the story of this Whistler business really starts in Hong Kong. There, Fletcher worked in construction, contributing to major capital projects, commercial buildings and other property developments across Asia.

After work, he played squash at the exclusive Hong Kong Country Club. Some of his teammates got interested in Whistler and started buying single-family lots and income properties requiring various levels of development. Fletcher helped them.

Since then, Kyber has constructed some very high-end homes (one can take up to four years to build) for several of Fletcher’s old squash contacts, a group of well-heeled, long-time expatriates and local residents who came of age and made their money as Hong Kong transformed itself in the 1970s and 1980s. The company is currently constructing a home for Edwin Lucas, a businessman in the financial sector who spent nearly 19 years in Hong Kong and is now planning to move permanently to Whistler.

Being in Hong Kong during those years also allowed Fletcher a close-up look at how a new class of high net worth individuals were emerging in mainland China.

“A lot of originally state-owned companies privatized or did initial public offerings, facilitating the accumulation of wealth. That new emerging wealth in China is becoming more aware of investment opportunities abroad,” said Fletcher.

Indeed, the world’s top private bankers are eager to engage this somewhat elusive group. In March 2006, Citigroup Private Bank opened its first office in Shanghai, targeting rich people with at least $10 million in net worth.

“In the long term, we expect the China market to rank as the single largest in the Asia-Pacific region for our wealth management businesses,” according to Money K., a Singapore-based spokesperson for Citigroup Private Bank.

One third of Asia’s so-called ultra high-net-worth individuals with net worth exceeding $30 million are in China, mainly in the coastal cities, according to the most recent Merrill Lynch and Capgemini World Wealth Report released last June.

Despite these projections and statistics, some of these private bankers quietly acknowledge that there are many challenges. State regulations cap foreign investment by Chinese citizens. Some of these are loosening, but the process has been slow. In an atmosphere of fluid guidelines, many rich Chinese have preferred to be extremely low key with their wealth, making it hard to track and manage their assets.

Back at Whistler, Fletcher said: “I know there are potential clients in China. It was a matter of generating enthusiasm amongst local realtors to encourage their marketing to that area.”

So far, at least, some are keen. Denise Brown of ReMax Sea to Sky Real Estate Whistler represents Kyber and was on the recent trip to Shanghai.

Ann Chiasson of Sea to Sky Premier Properties also attended and is now looking to open an office in Hong Kong this spring.

She cautioned, however, that “this is a tester, so it will be quite small. When you open a new market, you have to walk, not charge in.”

© The Vancouver Sun 2007


iWear turns iPod into virtual TV

Sunday, January 7th, 2007

TECHNOLOGY: But sticker shock may prevent many from buying cool new item

Jim Jamieson

What is it? Icuiti iWear for iPod

Price: $249 US

Why you need it: If you’re tired of squinting into that tiny iPod screen for a whole movie.

Why you don’t: You prefer big(ger) screens to watch your movies.

Our rating: Three of five mice.

For those of us who have been frustrated watching video on the crisp but annoyingly small screen of an iPod, a Rochester, N.Y. company is offering something completely different.

Portable display company Icuiti Corp. has launched its iWear for iPod, a high-tech glasses/earphones combo that allows users to watch television shows, music videos, movies and video podcasts on a virtual 44-inch screen.

As well, Icuiti says, no extra batteries or cables are necessary, as the iWear attaches to the iPod’s bottom dock connector. The company says it draws no more power than the media player’s screen.

The 110-gram device features twin, high-resolution 320-by-240-pixel LCD displays that are equivalent to watching a home theatre screen from 2.7 metres away.

Hi-fi stereo headphones come with the iWear, but they can be removed if you want to use your own gear.

It also comes with an adjustable nosepiece and independent focus adjustments (+2 to -5 diopters) so people can use it without prescription glasses.

Icuiti says 3D content will soon be available from its website,

One of a raft of new gadgets we can expect to see heading into this week’s Consumer Electronics Show, the iWear — which has won a 2007 CES Innovations Award in the Portable Electronics: Audio/Video category — is available at Sharper Image or on the Icuiti website.

© The Vancouver Province 2007


When to buy digital cameras, ipods, cd players or PCs

Friday, January 5th, 2007

Buying an iPod? You may want to wait

Michelle Kessler, Jefferson Graham and Mike Snider
USA Today

Rumor has it Apple will introduce a new iPod at MacWorld

A year ago, the most state-of-the-art video game system in wide release was the PlayStation 2.

Most big, flat-panel TVs cost more than $3,000.

Six-megapixel digital cameras were high-end.

And no one was sure that Microsoft would ever get around to releasing another version of Windows.

How things change.

Tech companies constantly revamp their product lines, as anyone who has ever paid top dollar for a cutting-edge device knows. Driven by brutal competition, they release faster, cheaper, more feature-laden gadgets each year. More than 2,700 companies are expected to unveil their latest and greatest beginning Sunday at the giant Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which is expected to draw more than 2,700 exhibitors.

The show’s 140,000 attendees will see firsthand the effects of Moore’s Law, an industry rule of thumb that says electronics roughly double their performance every two years.

But how much have they actually improved this year? Is it worth paying for a pricey, top-of-the-line camera, TV or other device that may be outdated — or obsolete — in a few months? Or would it be better to wait until next year to buy? USA TODAY asked the experts to find out. Here’s a product-by-product rundown for TVs, cameras, video games and more:


Time to buy? Yes if you’re a big TV fan but the casual watcher may want to wait.

In late 2005, Sony surprised the TV industry by offering a 40-inch, flat-panel, liquid-crystal display (LCD) television for $3,500, says Rosemary Abowd, a TV analyst at researcher Pacific Media Associates. It was one of the lowest prices ever for such a big, high-quality LCD, she says. Today, similar sets sell for about $2,000, and prices keep falling, she says.

Quality is improving, too. Manufacturers are rushing to embrace high-definition screens, which have higher resolution and clearer pictures. More than 11 million HDTV sets were sold in 2006, says the Consumer Electronics Association, the trade group behind CES. Sophisticated sets with 1,080 lines of detail on the screen are becoming commonplace, up from 720 lines a year ago, Abowd says. (Traditional TVs have 480 lines of detail.)

And more sets come with ports for new high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cables, used to connect high-def digital devices — such as a TV and a high-def DVD player — to one another.

But the market is still evolving. HDMI may change, or be replaced by another standard, Abowd says. The high-definition content needed to take advantage of an HDTV is still not as plentiful as standard content. Comcast offers more than 100 cable channels, only about 20 in high-definition. High-definition DVDs are in their infancy. “We’re going through a transition period,” says Rich Dinsmore, an executive at the parent company of RCA.

Digital cameras

Time to buy? Yes. Midrange digital cameras now have more than adequate picture quality and features for the average user. But consider waiting until June, when Father’s Day and graduation sales lower prices even more.

About 31 million digital cameras were sold in the USA in 2006, an 8% jump from 2005, says research firm IDC. But analyst Chris Chute believes the industry has seen its last year of highflying growth.

“Next year will be flat,” Chute says. “The reason so many cameras sold last year is because many people bought second and third digital cameras. You can’t sell 31 million cameras every year. Otherwise, even my cat would have one.”

At the beginning of 2006, a typical camera had 6 megapixels of resolution, says Chute. More megapixels mean higher resolution and sharper images.

This year, Chute expects to see cameras with similar features but 8 and 10 megapixels of resolution. That’s enough to crop small portions of a picture and blow them up to large sizes.

Higher-end single lens reflex (SLR) cameras are expected to continue to post big price drops. Some models that were $1,000 at the beginning of 2006 fell to $499 by year’s end. Chute expects even steeper discounts in late 2007.

Video cameras

Time to buy? Yes. Prices are as low as they’ve ever been and may not go much lower.

The video camera market has been hit hard by digital still cameras that can also record short movies. Sales fell 4.7% to $1.28 billion in 2006, NPD says.

But consumers who want superior quality and long-record times still need video cameras, and they’re driving big changes in the market. Mini-DV tape cameras, long the standard, are expected to virtually disappear in the next two years.

Canon plans to announce today that its Elura midlevel lineup of video cameras will no longer be available in mini-DV. They’re being replaced by models that burn video directly to a DVD. (Mini-DV tapes can be viewed by connecting the camera to a TV set or by transferring video to a PC and burning it to DVD.)

DVD camcorders have a number of negatives — notably that consumers usually can’t record footage at the best quality for longer than 20 minutes. But people like the convenience. “We’re responding to the consumer,” says Mitchell Glick, Canon’s assistant manager of camcorder marketing.

According to NPD, mini-DV’s share fell to 41% from 51% a year ago, while DVD’s grew to 24% from 19%.

All new Canon DVD models will, for the first time, accept “dual-layer” DVDs, which offer nearly twice the storage capacity. They can hold more than 35 minutes of footage on each disc.

Meanwhile, Canon introduced a $279 mini-DV model at CES, its lowest priced camcorder ever, the ZR800.

The nascent hard-drive category — currently supported only by Sony and JVC — is also on a tear, growing to 15% from 2.4%. Hard-drive camcorders store video on a digital storage unit similar to those in a PC.

Digital music players

Time to buy? Not yet. Wait to see if new iPods come out at Apple’s Macworld conference next week — and if Apple’s competitors respond by lowering their prices.

Apple’s 30-gigabyte iPod, which sells for $249, was a huge hit over the holidays. It is similar in style to the previous year’s version but has a brighter screen and costs $50 less.

The popularity of this and other iPods helped the digital music player market grow to $4.3 billion in 2006, from $3.2 billion the previous year, NPD says.

That’s prompting more companies to enter the market, creating more choices for consumers.

Microsoft’s new Zune also costs $249 and has a 30-GB hard drive. Memory-card-maker SanDisk introduced its answer to the iPod at last year’s CES. The 6-GB Sansa was priced at $280. Now, a newer 8-GB model is being discounted at $180.

But Apple continues to dominate with 62% market share, says researcher NPD. The company is expected to announce new iPods at its annual Macworld conference next week.

Microsoft is likely to respond by releasing lower-priced Zune models, says NPD analyst Ross Rubin. “The Zune is the most serious challenge Apple has faced to date,” he says.

Video game systems

Time to buy? It depends. Nintendo fans can still get the latest games on the older Nintendo GameCube systems. But they might want to buy the new Nintendo Wii for its unique controller.

Owners of Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation 2 systems might consider upgrading to the newer Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 systems if they have a high-definition TV. Both newer systems can broadcast games in high-def.

But others might want to wait until the new systems are easier to find and prices fall. By then, more games should be available, too.

“You’ll have more fun buying (a new game such as Guitar Hero 2 for) the PS2 than spending hundreds on a PS3,” says Geoff Keighley, host of Spike TV’s Game Head. “Put your money toward an HDTV and get the high-definition game system next year when there’s a better lineup of games.”

The video game industry began one of its periodic seismic shifts in 2006 when the Sony PS3 and Nintendo Wii hit the market.

Combined with Microsoft’s Xbox 360, which came out in 2005, the new systems will supplant the old market, dominated by Sony’s 6-year-old PS2.

The new systems are still hard to get. Sony shipped fewer than 800,000 PS3s to U.S. stores by year’s end. Many of those were resold on online auction sites for more than double their $499 and $599 list prices.

Nintendo delivered nearly twice as many Wiis, yet the system still fetched bids above $500, double its $250 face value.

All three systems are vastly better than their predecessors. The PS3 is 20 times as powerful as the PS2. The Xbox 360 is a dozen times more powerful than the original Xbox and can connect to an online community of more than 4 million members. Both output high-definition video.

The Wii’s graphic prowess is at least twice that of Nintendo’s previous system, the GameCube. But its real appeal is a wireless controller that can be used as a golf club, baseball bat, sword or steering wheel. “The challenge for Nintendo is to prove that the Wii isn’t just a fad that will fade by this time next year,” says Keighley.

DVD players

Time to buy? Probably not, as there are two competing types of new high-definition DVD players. “I would suggest that people wait out the high-def format war for another year,” Keighley says. “The leap from DVD to (high-def) DVD is much less pronounced than the leap from VHS to DVD. Regular DVDs still look great on most high-def TVs.”

Regular DVDs are expected to take a back seat as new, high-definition DVDs, which have up to six times better resolution, enter the market. (They must be hooked up to a high-definition TV to work properly.) Unfortunately for consumers, there are two high-def DVD types fighting to become the standard.

Blu-ray is supported by Sony and several studios. The PS3 video game system has a Blu-ray player installed. HD DVD is backed by Toshiba, Universal and Microsoft, which brought out a $199 HD DVD drive peripheral for the Xbox 360 in November.

Standard DVD players have become a commodity product, sometimes selling for as little as $30. But high-def models remain expensive. HD DVD players often cost $500 or more, while Blu-ray players often start at about $800.

Latest development, Warner Bros. has decided to try to break the consumer confusion by introducing an HD DVD that can hold both formats simultaneously.


Time to buy? Not yet. Wait until Microsoft’s Vista operating system is widely released this year, says PC analyst Samir Bhavnani at researcher Current Analysis. PC-makers will respond with a flood of innovative models, he says.

At last year’s CES, Hewlett-Packard proudly unveiled a $1,399 laptop that was among the most advanced of its time. It had a speedy Intel Pentium processor and a 40-GB hard drive.

The same amount of money today buys an HP laptop with an 80-GB hard drive and an Intel Core 2 Duo processor. The new processor, or computer brain, is basically two of the older Pentium chips squished together. That doesn’t make the PC twice as fast, thanks to bottlenecks elsewhere in the system. But it considerably improves performance, especially when several programs are running at once, says Bhavnani.

But the real innovation will occur this year, when Microsoft releases all versions of Vista, Bhavnani says. The first new version of Windows in five years is designed to better handle digital movies, television, photos and music, and to be more secure.

PC sales in the USA have stalled as consumers and businesses wait for Vista. They rose just 5% in the first half of 2006 from the previous year and were flat during the third quarter, says researcher IDC.

Warner Bros. DVD will play rival formats

Friday, January 5th, 2007

Gary Gentile
USA Today

The Blu-ray (left) and HD-DVD discs

LOS ANGELES — Warner Bros. is set to introduce a high definition DVD disc that can hold films and TV shows in rival and incompatible formats, the latest sign that the year-long format war is long from over.

Warner Bros., a unit of Time Warner, said it developed the “Total HD Disc” to help break the stalemate between HD DVD, developed by a consortium led by Toshiba, and rival Blu-ray, backed by Sony. Both deliver sharper pictures and increased space for special features.

All but the most adventurous consumers have stayed away from choosing sides in the battle for fear of being stuck with the losing technology, much the same as happened when VHS and Betamax battled it out for videotape dominance in the 1980s.

Initially, Hollywood studios lined up behind one or the other formats. Warner Bros. first backed HD DVD, but then decided to release films and TV shows on both formats.

Some studios, such as Paramount Pictures, a unit of Viacom, have followed Warner Bros. in backing both formats. Only Universal Studios, a division of General Electric, is releasing films exclusively in HD DVD.

Sony Pictures, a unit of Sony Corp., 20th Century Fox, which is owned by News Corp., and The Walt Disney Co. have remained staunch defenders of Blu-ray.

Retailers and others had hoped the rival camps would compromise on one format, or that one would prove dominant.

But the decision by Warner Bros. to accommodate confused consumers by placing both formats of films on a single disc shows that the battle continues.

“The Total High-Definition Disc allows consumers to fully embrace high-definition viewing,” Ron Sanders, President of Warner Home Video said in a statement Thursday. “Warner Bros. was a force in creating the current market dominance of the standard DVD, and we hope that THD will make it easier for the average consumer to enjoy this next level of technology.”

Details of the disc, such as whether Warner Bros. would license the technology to rival studios, are set to be released next week at the International Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas.

Other compromise solutions are in the works.

LG Electronics said this week they plan on marketing a dual format DVD player. Other electronics makers are expected to follow suit.

Warner Bros. has also patented a disc that can contain three versions of a film — one in each of the rival high-def formats and a third that can be viewed on standard definition players.

LG to unveil dual-mode DVD

Friday, January 5th, 2007

Agence France

SEOUL — South Korea’s LG Electronics said Thursday it plans to sell the world’s first DVD player capable of playing rival high-definition DVD formats.

The dual-format player, to be released in the United States early this year, will end the “confusion and inconvenience” of competing disc formats for both content producers and consumers, the company said in a statement.

The high-definition player will play HD DVD format and rival Blu-ray format discs, the statement said.

In a replay of the VHS-Betamax battle between two types of video cassette tape in the late 1970s, the two different DVD formats have hit the market offering cinematic-quality images and interactive entertainment.

But they are incompatible, forcing consumers to choose.

Since they were introduced last year, companies have been fighting a fierce campaign to try to convince consumers that their product should become the dominant format.

Details of the new unit will be released at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next week, LG’s statement said.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007