Bank on movies to bring back fun

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

Renamed cinemas introduce points program aimed at 18-to-30-year-olds

Frank Luba

The new look of bank-branded moviegoing in Vancouver is captured in an artist’s photo illustration.

The words “bank” and “fun” normally aren’t found in the same sentence, but Scotiabank is hoping to change that.

Starting today, major Cineplex theatres in Montreal, Edmonton and Vancouver are being rebranded as Scotiacard Theatres to draw attention to the fact that the bank is introducing a free SCENE card.

The new card will grant moviegoers a 10-per-cent discount on concessions and earn points for free movies and snacks every time they catch a flick.

More points can be earned by paying with a SCENE VISA card or a SCENE Scotiacard debit card.

A Cineplex theatre in Toronto, was used to test the new program.

Rick White, Scotiabank vice-president of brands and marketing, said discussions about the new program began in March 2006.

“We want to be more relevant with younger people in Canada,” said White. “Movies are such a big, big part of our culture,” with 63 per cent of Canadians between the ages of 12 and 49 going to the movies once a month or more.

Scotiabank wants to reach those Canadians and struck the partnership with Cineplex. “Gold” card programs appeal to people who are 35 years of age or older. SCENE is aimed at 18- to 30-year-olds.

“There’s a lot of apathy toward the long-term points program for travel,” said White. “This is immediate, experiential.”

Discussions are also under way to link the SCENE to entertainment options such as telephone services, music venues and some major retailers. “It will put fun into banking,” said White.

The launch of the service in B.C. will be tonight at the Scotiabank Theatre Vancouver, formerly Paramount Vancouver, at the corner of Burrard and Nelson.

All the details are available on the website at

© The Vancouver Province 2007


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