Robot vacuums while you’re out

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

ROOMBA SCHEDULER: Device will work to schedule, then return to charging base

Jim Jamieson

What is it? iRobot Roomba Scheduler

Price: $399

Why you need it: You love your tech gadgets and you’d rather be surfing the web than wielding a vacuum hose.

Why you don’t: You actually find vacuuming good exercise and a lot cheaper. Also, your cat hates the darn thing.

Our rating: 3 mice

It’s a vision right out of The Jetsons or any number of other works of science fiction you could mention.

The robot as the servant of humankind, doing all our menial tasks while we spend our time doing more important things.

Just how far you want to take having a machine doing your work for you will determine your interest in iRobot’s Roomba Scheduler.

iRobot, the U.S-based company that specializes in a wide range of robotic devices used by the military and industry, also has a line of domestic models.

This Frisbee-shaped device will vacuum your house while you’re away at work or out having fun.

And the Scheduler, as its name suggests, allows you to set the machine to an automatic cleaning schedule, after which it will return to its charging base.

But be aware the Roomba Scheduler doesn’t vacuum the way a human does. It does so in a pattern and has sensors that make it change directions when it bumps into an obstacle.

It is especially good for picking up hair from shedding pets.

But don’t think you can just set the Roomba loose and have your whole house vacuumed.

It may have issues with changes in terrain, such as going from a hardwood floor to a thick area carpet.

The device comes with two “virtual walls,” which send out signals to keep the Roomba out of certain areas.

It also has built-in sensors to keep it from tumbling down stairs.

Available at Home Outfitters.

© The Vancouver Province 2007


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