High-tech devices increasingly blamed for pains in the neck

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Misty Harris

The old folk wisdom that an apple a day keeps the doctor away may need a cautionary corollary for the computer age. That’s because a daily dose of Apple — or any other brand of computer or high-tech device — can be a direct path to the physician’s office.

Across the country, excessive use of laptops, cellphones, personal digital assistants and other technology has led to such modern-day maladies as “tech neck,” “mouse wrist,” “iPod finger,” “BlackBerry thumb” and “computer headache.”

According to the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, the global pervasiveness of these technology-induced afflictions, their effect on quality of life, and the affected demographics — now including children as young as eight — were among the hottest topics at this year’s World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress in Vancouver.

“There’s an emerging body of knowledge about how these [technological] devices are actually impacting our health,” says Natalie Bovair, a spokeswoman for the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

Of particular concern is the growing number of children and teenage patients complaining of headaches and neck pain, which researchers believe are due to overuse of videogames, long or frequent cellphone use, excessive text messaging, and poor posture at the computer.

A Boston University study found 40 per cent of sixth graders who regularly used computers had physical complaints that suggested the presence of a musculoskeletal disorder. An Australian study found 60 per cent of computer users aged 10 to 17 years had similar complaints.

Among adults, a Pollara poll of more than 1,000 Canadians released last week found that nearly three-quarters (73 per cent) of people regularly experience back, neck, joint or general muscle pain. Of those, nearly 40 per cent blame technology as the primary or contributing cause of their discomfort, with women being especially likely to do so: 45 per cent, compared to 31 per cent of men.

The nationwide survey, commissioned by RUB A535 pain-relief products, is considered accurate within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Peter Vass, a real estate agent, is among the roughly 13 million Canadians who believe the use of technology contributes to their physical torment.

“I’m a ‘crackberry‘ addict with BlackBerry thumb,” says Vass, laughing. Although this ailment originates in the digits, symptoms can include pain or throbbing, swelling and numbness of the entire hand or forearm.

The Toronto man also developed wrist problems, including the loss of feeling and muscle control, that he believes were caused by holding his phone at an unnatural angle for extended periods of time in his car.

His solution was to switch to a Bluetooth earpiece, which he wears about 18 hours a day.

“While I’m driving, I do all my communication: e-mails, texting, Internet, make my phone calls. I pretty well live on a BlackBerry,” says Vass. “When you’re a real estate agent, technology isn’t a choice; it’s your life.”

Colleen Lichti spends most of her 40-hour work week on the phone or at the computer, leading to what’s known in popular parlance as “tech neck.” For nearly four years, the Canadian insurance-claims specialist has seen a chiropractor for her “perpetual muscular pain,” but finds little empathy for her condition outside the medical community.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007


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