Online ads: Next big frontier for small shops

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

Companies compete to deliver search- engine marketing

Jessica Guynn

SAN FRANCISCO — When it comes to finding local products and services, consumers are increasingly letting their fingers do the clicking.

Locally targeted search engines have replaced thick phone books as the starting point for millions of people seeking plumbers, personal injury lawyers or hair stylists. That trend is creating a big business opportunity for a slew of online players, including advertising start- ups, Internet giants and traditional yellow- pages publishers.

One Los Ange l e s company, ReachLocal Inc., just landed $ 55.2 million in venture funding to bulk up as it tackles the local- search market.

Welcome to the next big front in the battle for online advertising dollars. The Kelsey Group, a research firm based in Princeton, N. J., predicts that local search and Internet yellow pages ad spending will grow to $ 4.9 billion in 2011, from $ 1.9 billion this year.

“ It’s a huge growth opportunity,” said Warren Kay, Yahoo Inc.’ s managing director of strategic alliances. “ We are very interested in small businesses. They provide meaningful content consumers are looking for.”

Search engines are investing in initiatives to create virtual neighbourhoods where people can find detailed information on local businesses, including consumer reviews and such basics as the hours of operation.

Google Inc., for example, recently launched a pilot program to send contractors into local businesses to collect such information. ReachLocal is using some of the money it raised to take a similar approach, sending salespeople into small businesses across the country to offer to manage their search- engine advertising campaigns.

Those “ feet on the street” efforts reflects how hard it is to reach the country’s millions of small business proprietors, who tend to rely on more traditional forms of advertising, and teach them about the benefits of online search, analysts say.

To wit: Businesses with fewer than 100 employees spent less than five per cent of nearly $ 72 billion on advertising in 2006, according to Borrell Associates, a media research and consulting firm in Williamsburg, Va.

Companies such as ReachLocal, Irvine- based WebVisible Inc. and New York- based Yodle Inc. — as well as the digital arms of huge directory publishers such as AT& T Inc. and R. H. Donnelley Corp. — are preaching that the Internet can be the great equalizer for small merchants struggling to get noticed. They tout simple text ads alongside search results as one of the most effective strategies to land new customers.

Advertisers like search ads because they’re highly targeted and shown to people who are actively looking to buy a particular product or service.

Major advertisers have seen the upside for some time — search advertising revenue in the first half of 2007 jumped nearly a third to $ 4.1 billion, representing 41 per cent of all online ad spending, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

But, because mounting an effective search- marketing campaign is complicated, most small businesses have yet to experiment with it.

Some small businesses have mastered the science of rising to the top of search results without having to buy keywords by tweaking their websites and getting prominent ones to link to them. Others buy their own search- engine ads, but analysts say most either don’t know how or can’t spare the time.

That’s where ReachLocal and its competitors come in. The services vary, but essentially small businesses hire these companies to buy keyword ads on major search engines such as those of Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Corp. Some companies track the results for their clients, be it through e- mails or phone calls. Now many of these companies are developing video and mobile technologies. And they are armed with success stories.

Take Eddie Ugalde, 33, who runs an eco- friendly carpet cleaning business in Altadena. He started spending $ 1,000 a month with ReachLocal in March and received such a dramatic response from the search campaign that moved Right Away Carpet Drycleaning out of his home, grew from two employees to 10 and bought a distribution business. He recently increased his monthly ad buy to $ 1,500.

“ It would have taken a real long time for word of mouth to give us the opportunity to be in the place we are today,” Ugalde said.

To reach this largely untapped online market, the old- fashioned yellow pages publishers have an edge because they already have relationships with small businesses around the country, said Matt Booth, a Kelsey Group senior vice president.

After a few fits and starts, these publishers increasingly are marketing search advertising to mom- and- pop operations.

“ As online takes off, small businesses know that they need and want to be there,” said Matt Crowley, chief marketing officer for AT& T subsidiary Yellowpages. com.

ReachLocal is borrowing a page from the yellow pages. Chief executive Zorik Gordon says his 300- person company will use some of the money invested by Rho Ventures, Galleon Crossover Fund and VantagePoint Venture Partners to hire a national sales force to sell its product directly to small businesses.

Ultimately, the idea is to use mapping and satellite imagery to create virtual storefronts that tell you everything from the types of products and services offered to methods of payment accepted, said Chris Sherman, e xe c u t ive editor of SearchEngineLand. com.

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