Professional decorator says change pillows every 6 months because of dust mites – the average is every 20 years

Friday, November 16th, 2007


When was the last time you changed your pillows? They’re full of dust mites, and the experts say you should change your pillows ever six months.

Are you expecting company during the holidays? At this time of year I start gearing up for overnight guests and my first priority is the sleeping arrangement.

No matter how much I and my visiting family and friends love to spend time together, there is a point when everyone needs a break.

And I know that I appreciate having a corner set up just for me when I’m away. It doesn’t have to be posh, just fresh and clean.

It’s all about the bed really, and that’s my story for today. I’ve done some research and what I’ve learned is pretty scary. That bed in my guest room that I’ve just covered with clean sheets and a fluffy duvet seemed just right until I learned the dirty truth about what was going on under the sheets.

When was the last time you changed your pillows? ( The average is 20 years.) Those pillows are full of dust mites. According to the experts you should actually change your pillow every six months.

Traditionally we have made our beds around comfort and style. There was nothing better than that perfect feather bed mattress with our favourite designer sheets tucked in.

There is now a third feature that should be considered. Our health. What we can’t see can hurt us.

I have recently discovered news about SilverClear, a solution that has the power to combat all those nasty bacteria and more.

To understand fully how it works, visit their website www. silverclearsolution. com. You will see what a breakthrough this is for preparing and keeping a healthy bed. SilverClear is waterbased, and has no solvents. It’s applied during the manufacturing stage and has been clinically proven to be safe.

Mattress pads and pillows treated with SilverClear are able to fight dust mites and bacteria at the source.

What you see in the photo shown here is an inviting bed layered with a peaceful Lotus pattern comforter, sheets and pillow shams. For products to combat what you don’t see, contact SilverClear through their website. Dear Debbie; We are doing a major renovation on our 35- year- old side- split and have a question about the new floors. Which direction should hardwood run, where do we start and stop it to join up to limestone floor.

Also, do we lay the same hardwood on both levels? Living room and kitchen on one level and family room below. We don’t know how to proceed. Thank you.

Tristan Dear Tristan; As a general rule hardwood planks run the length of a room.

I suggest you choose the same wood for upper and lower levels as this unifies your home.

However, you can create a special look with the hardwood, such as laying it in a pattern produced by alternating light and dark stained planks.

This would make a stunning accent in your living room or family room.

At the doorways, or when you transition from wood to stone you will need a trim piece that fits neatly between the two levels and bridges the gap smoothly. Quarter round trim around the perimeter of the rooms will tidy up the edges.

Debbie Travis’ House to Home column is produced by Debbie Travis and Barbara Dingle. Please e- mail your questions to h o u s e 2 h o m e @ d e b b i e t rav i s . com.

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