Archive for January, 2008

Feet firmly planted in foie gras

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Foodies will flock to this simple Cambie Street venue

Mark Laba

Tony Peneff serves classic French-bistro fare at Pied-a-Terre.


Where: 3369 Cambie St., Vancouver

Payment/reservations: Major credit cards, 604-873-3131

Drinks: Wine and aperitifs

Hours: Mon.-Thurs., noon-10:30 p.m.; Fri., noon-midnight; Sat., 5 p.m.midnight; Sun., 5 p.m.-10:30 p.m.

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The French have always given me the willies. Any country that canonizes both Jerry Lewis and Jean Paul Sartre in the same breath provides a paradox in thought processes that leaves me scratching my existential noggin. They know something I don’t, is my underlying fear, plus their president wears Prada suits. I don’t know what that has to do with anything but it’s as intimidating as a French wine list.

Well, it’s the same with French cuisine. The simplest ingredients are elevated into cultural spheres that your average North American turnip or chicken liver can only hope for.

That was my lingering anxiety as Peaches and I hoofed it to this new venture.

It takes a certain amount of chutzpah to open a new business on the RAV line route where the earth is literally being ripped out from under your feet. But, when your reputation follows you like a bloodhound on the scent, as is the case with chef and restaurateur Andrey Durbach and business partner Chris Stewart, then success is imminent.

This new venture is classic small French bistro, only 30 seats total, simply done in black and white with a huge chandelier stripped down to its skeletal framework. Kind of a metaphor for the food here — simple by design, ornate in execution.

Peaches wet her whistle with a Kir Royale aperitif, a champagne and crème de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur) concoction while I scanned the all-French wine selection and tried to appear like I knew what I was doing, going through a series of facial contortions that would’ve made Jerry Lewis proud.

Finally I asked for help and ended up with a fragrant red called Gres St. Paul Romanis ($11.25 glass, $32 half-litre, $45 bottle), smooth and with all the earthy depth of a Jacques Cousteau expedition in a Languedoc duck pond.

For starters we had the Alsatian onion pie ($8.50) and a Paysanne salad ($9.50), a wondrous construction of warm weenie potatoes, chorizo, endive and a twice-cooked egg with a crispy carapace. The onion pie was the highlight, a creamy coagulation of herbs, cheese and onion cooked until melting point and this alone is worth a return visit.

My main shindig was a real Gallic romp for the tastebuds. Beef short-rib bourguignon ($22.50) was a beautiful mire with a sauce richer than one of Brigitte Bardot’s many divorce settlements and meat that melted from the bone.

Peaches had a daily special veal chop ($30). Europeans have no qualms about eating baby animals, which may be why Euro-Disney never took off. This chop was perfectly grilled and slathered in a pungent sauté of two types of mushroom species. A baby cow frolicking in a field of fungus. What a beautiful painting that would make. It deserves a spot in the Louvre.

Not a big menu but the classics are done expertly, from foie-gras parfait to steak and frites, duck à l’orange to pork tenderloin with apples and Calvados. For dessert the lemon tart brulée is simple yet luxurious. And after a few more glasses of wine, Jerry Lewis and Jean Paul Sartre don’t seem that far apart.

THE BOTTOM LINE: No-frills French with a touch of finesse.

RATINGS: Food: A; Service: A; Atmosphere: A

© The Vancouver Province 2008


High-tech toys push buttons

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

The latest thing, at least for today

Steve Makris

Mathieu Michael, president of Toronto-based Interactive Toy Concepts, demonstrates Turbo Remote Control Cooler.

LAS VEGAS — If you just bought a cutting-edge high-definition TV, I have bad news for you. The edge just got a bit sharper.

New life-like organic light-emitting diode and 82-inch quadruple full high-definition TVs from Samsung will make today’s models look like cave paintings.

Don’t cry. You can guide your remote-controlled robotic beer cooler (from Toronto-based Interactive Toy Concepts) right to your TV couch and drown your sorrows away.

Such over-the-top technologies are here at the 2008 International Consumer Electronics Show.

You may not need a TV that’s sharper than most digital cameras, but if you are looking for a better mousetrap, you will surely beat a path to one of the 2,700 exhibitors taking up more than 35 football fields of show space. Anything that uses electricity is here — much of it finding new ways to use today’s technology.

The Spot Satellite Messenger, for example, could be a real lifesaver. The palm-sized device works anywhere using GPS technology. For $149, you can e-mail home preprogrammed messages or simply press the OK button to tell someone who cares that you are safe. Your location or hike progress can also be tracked online with Google Maps. In an emergency, pressing the 911 button alerts rescue services worldwide to find you within three metres.

Green technology is everywhere, from new computers being built with non-hazardous materials to the eco-leading battery-saving Emotion Solar Portable media player, which plays songs, movies, audio books and charges other small devices such as cellphones, laptops and digital cameras.

© The Vancouver Province 2008


Condos lead housing starts

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

About 80 per cent of new construction is multifamily, says CMHC

Paul Luke

Condos, like this development at the King George SkyTrain station in Surrey, led a jump in multifamily construction in the Lower Mainland. Photograph by : Les Bazso file photo – The Province

The Vancouver area finished 2007 with the third-highest number of housing starts in a half-century and the pace of home building is expected to remain brisk this year.

Fuelled by a strong condo market, the overall number of housing starts hit 20,736 in 2007, up 11 per cent from 2006, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. said yesterday

Multifamily homes comprised about 80 per cent of housing starts in the Vancouver area last year, according to CMHC’s preliminary figures for the year.

Single-detached housing starts fell by one-quarter from 2006, CMHC market analyst Richard Sam said.

“With the overall average MLS price of a single-detached house over $800,000 in Greater Vancouver, buyers have shifted their expectations toward more affordable, higher-density-style housing,” Sam said.

“Developers have honed in on this demand and increased the number of new multiple-family projects being built.”

Last year brought mixed results to areas in the eastern part of the Lower Mainland.

Overall starts in the Abbotsford area fell 10 per cent in 2007 despite a 23-per-cent rise in single-detached starts.

In the Chilliwack area, a 50-per-cent surge in multifamily starts drove an 11-per-cent increase in overall starts.

Peter Simpson, CEO of the Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association, said residential construction should remain strong in 2008, thanks to the healthy regional economy and robust job market.

The region will likely notch about 19,000 starts this year — little changed from the average for the past four years, he said.

“We’re optimistic,” Simpson said.

“We’re seeing a lot of confidence in the industry that the market will still be there.”

Rising land and labour costs, as well as growing municipal development charges, may yield a six-to-eight-per-cent price increase this year, he said.

The region’s land constraints mean multifamily projects will continue to dominate in 2008.

“Among this generation of first-time homebuyers, there will be those who live their entire lives in some form of multiple-family housing, whether it’s townhouses or apartment condominiums,” Simpson said.

“Initially, the reason is affordability but over time they may find that condominiums more appropriately match their lifestyle and they don’t want to do anything else.”

Across B.C., overall housing starts in urban areas rose by 5.5 per cent last year, CMHC said.

Urban multifamily starts rose to a 14-year high in 2007, accounting for more than two-thirds of B.C. housing starts, CMHC said.

Nationally, housing starts rose one per cent last year to 229,600, the second-highest level in almost two decades.

© The Vancouver Province 2008


Real estate: Experts field your questions on sales, refis, more

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

When’s the time to refinance? Play it safe, experts say

Tony avelar
USA Today

Passerby John Malone reads about one of many homes for sale on a San Jose, Calif., street

USA TODAY last week invited readers who are thinking of buying, selling, or refinancing a home to send in their questions. Here are selected questions, answered by real estate experts.

Q: My 5-year, interest-only loan (which is fixed for the five years then becomes adjustable) will reset in October to 6.65% from 4.65%. Should I refinance now and play it safe or wait a few months due to current economic trends indicating that we may be or are moving toward a recession? Does a recession usually mean the Federal Reserve will cut rates and then mortgage rates will follow?

A:  I’d suggest you take your own advice and do the safe thing, says Marc Savitt, president of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. Current interest rates are about 6% for a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage, and much lower than your reset rate of 6.65%.While some economists predict a recession in the coming months, this doesn’t necessarily mean rates will drop substantially, if one occurs. Inflation is also a determining factor in the Fed’s decision. You should also keep in mind long term rates sometimes increase when the Fed cuts. Waiting might also mean a further drop in your home’s value, which could make a refinance more expensive, or completely prohibitive.

Q: I moved to Cincinnati 6 months ago and have been more confused than ever about the home-buying process in a market that I am unfamiliar with. In the current market, is it more advantageous to buy a new home or an older home? And what is the lowest respectable offer that should be made (generally) — 8%-10% off of the asking price?

A:  Given a choice, and all things being equal, most everyone prefers to buy a new home vs. an older home, says Karen Schlosser, president of the Cincinnati Area Board of Realtors. Buying new allows the individual to personalize their home before moving in. Having said that, not all communities offer a lot of new construction therefore buying an existing home that has been made “new” (i.e. new kitchen and baths, updated lighting fixtures, new carpeting, refinished hardwood floors, etc.) is the ticket.

Buyers today go for low to no “hassle” when buying; something they can move in with little to no cash infusion except perhaps for some painting to make it their own. Your best bet is to buy a home in pristine condition and keep it that way so when you go to sell you will reap the benefits.

When making an offer, it is difficult to use a rule of thumb of taking off a specific percentage of the list price because properties are not always priced appropriately. If you choose that route and the property is overpriced, you risk overpaying. You would be best to work with a real estate agent who will provide you a pricing analysis of the home you are interested in buying so you make an offer you can live with.

Q: The thing that concerns me most is whether I should buy or sell first? We have looked at some homes (in Montana) that interest us, but what happens if we put our home on the market and it just sits? Our house is worth about $200,000 and those we like are going for about $325,000. Are there contingencies which don’t cost a lot of money if things don’t work out? And does this slow market help or hurt me?

A: The slow market hurts you, but if you’re selling a house for about $200,000, that is a good range for first-time buyers, says Dan Wagner, president of the Montana Association of Realtors. Homes in Montana in that price range are selling well. I don’t know why that house would sit on the market for very long.

If you are going to buy in the $300,000 range, those homes are harder to sell, so that’s going to make a transition from $200,000 to $300,000 pretty easy.

You can put a contingency in the contract to ensure you sell your home you’re sitting in before you purchase the other.

Q: I built a home in Montgomery, N.Y., and moved in October 2006. The house cost $420,000 and we put another $15,000 in upgrades/appliances/furniture. My wife and I are looking to move back to our home town and be closer to our parents. I need to break even on my house. I put a lot of money down on this house. With the way the market is, I have been told I would lose money if I sold now. Would this spring be a better time to put the house on the market?

A: It’s not ideal that you are selling so soon after purchasing because prices in Montgomery are a bit off from a year ago, says Gene Currier, president of Coldwell Banker Currier & Lazier. I would recommend that you put the home on the market now if you need to move back home soon. By putting the home on the market, you would be ahead of others that may come on in the spring.

Inventory is on the high side for homes in this price range, but depending on the condition of the home and how it is marketed you could come out okay.

Q: I plan to put my house on the market this spring and try to sell it myself. If nothing happens in the first 4-6 weeks, I’ll turn it over to a Realtor. I live in a small college town and want to price it under $170,000, to attract new faculty and staff at the university, so I’m reluctant to make expensive changes, such as upgrades in the kitchen. The house is an oldie, built around 1890, so it won’t appeal to everyone even though it is in good condition.

So the question is, should I put money into the kitchen or let the buyer make the upgrades?

A:  Buyers interested in purchasing historic homes generally have the vision to see beyond needed upgrades; therefore, I would probably not upgrade your kitchen prior to offering your home for sale, says Ron Shuffield, president of Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors in Miami. Being able to offer your home at a lower price should do more to attract the buyer who is looking for a property with your home’s character. Most buyers for homes like yours also have specific ideas of how they would like to preserve the home’s features, so any upgrades that you make may not necessarily be the same upgrades that your buyer would prefer.

My recommendation is also based upon the price range of your area. There are many examples of historic homes across the country which have been totally updated and enjoy “restored” home values in the multiple millions of dollars. Obviously, it is easier to recoup the cost of an upgrade in areas where home values are higher.

Q: Can you tell me if the housing market in Atlanta is better than most places in the country to sell a house?

A:  If you don’t have to sell, I would say don’t, because you’re competing in a very complex market, recommends Lewis Glenn, CEO of Harry Norman Realtors in Atlanta.

The first quarter is generally slow for home sales, and we should start seeing light at the end of tunnel at end of second quarter of 2008.

The high-end market, however, is holding very steady. We had the same number of high-end sales in 2007 as in 2006. Where we do see cracks in armor is in new-home construction, both in single-family sales and condos. We still have a lot of inventory on the market and more condos coming in.

It’s still a buyers’ market, but it is beginning to adjust to some degree.

Q: I have two son’s could you help advise them?

One son and his wife have been living with us in Northern Indiana for 3 years now. They would like to buy a house however they have some concerns which may make it difficult to do so. I am told these are a few of the problems: He and his wife have never owned a house before. They had to file bankruptcy due to the earlier divorce; he is behind on child support. Due to his living with us he has brought all other debts up to date except the child support which he is working on. He has to work out of state a lot to find work in his field.

My other son is trying to sell a house he bought as an investment and has been renting out. However his family has grown and they need a larger house. Therefore, he would like to sell both his house and the rental property, which is occupied. Could you give a step by step recommendation?

A:  For the son and daughter-in-law living with you, the first step is your son needs to talk with a lender about being pre-approved, advises Karen Schlosser, president of the Cincinnati Area Board of Realtors. A lender will pull his credit report along with his income and debt data and determine what price range he would qualify for and/or what credit repairs, if any, are needed. Getting one’s credit in order is most important. What lender to go to? He should inquire with the bank and/or credit union he has accounts with. If he is not able to be pre-approved, he may want to consider a lease/purchase or a land contract. Both are forms of seller financing that allow a buyer to move into a property while making any necessary credit repairs prior to getting a loan through a lender.

Your other son has a couple of options depending on his goal. The first option is to sell both properties and put the proceeds down on a single property. He would be wise to check with an accountant about any capital gains that he may owe on the sale of either property. The second option is to sell the “family home” and keep the rental property as investment. Depending on how long he has owned the rental property, he might be better off keeping the rental property with a paying tenant, using the income from that property to help purchase his next home. There are rent vs. sell calculators on the web to help him analyze this option:

Q: What’s a landlord (in Florida) to do with nine nice homes that now have devalued to or below the loan amounts? Some mortgages have adjusted up and taxes and insurance have practically doubled! How am I supposed to sell these executive and starter homes?

My worst, negative amortization mortgages is currently 8.5% but will go up in June. I called to refinance five months ago, with excellent credit, but there is a $12,000 prepayment penalty. I had 10% equity in the property, but the value of my equity has dropped by $20,000. I will have to bring $65,000 to the table to refinance. I am in a Catch-22 with the credit crunch tightening lending standards.

A:  Reading between the lines, it appears that you have purchased nine investment properties over the last few years with 10% down payments; and, that your nine separate negative amortization mortgages have now increased to the point that all, or most, of your equity has been eaten away, says Ron Shuffield, president of Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors in Miami

With mortgage interest payments of 8.5%, real estate taxes, insurance and general maintenance and repairs, any rental income that you may be receiving is probably leaving you with an annual cash flow deficit equal to about 5% to 6% of the property’s value. For example, if one of your properties is worth $300,000, your total monthly cost of owning the property with an 8.5%mortgage equal to 90% of its value, plus taxes, insurance and upkeep, is probably between $2,500 to $3,000 per month. Most likely, potential rental income for that property’s between $1,250 to $1,500 per month. Therefore, even if you have it rented each month, your negative cash flow will be between $15,000 to $18,000 per year, or 5% to 6% of it’s value.

Don’t feel that you are alone. With money easy to borrow over these past 5 years, many investors purchased properties with very little cash investment. Unfortunately, that strategy necessitated a need to sell the properties within a short period after acquisition at increased values, rather than to hold onto them as long-term rental property investments. My advice would be to first organize your records so that you have a true picture of the sale value and rental value of each property. Once you feel confident with this information, I would contact each of your lenders to inquire as to whether or not they will consider discounting any of your mortgages and/or waiving any pre-payment penalties.

Then, I would begin immediately marketing those properties which have the most equity so that you can free-up those dollars to help you toward covering the deficits of the remaining homes. Time is the biggest culprit that you are facing. Don’t wait to begin taking action. Also, be sure to consult with your tax advisor. There may be some additional benefits which he or she may be able to offer.

Q: My wife and I would like to remodel our 12-year-old house in Durham, N.C., prior to putting it on the market in six months to a year. We have already put new carpet upstairs, and completely remodeled kitchen with tile, reworked wood floor and stainless steel appliances.

But we have a deck that really needs replacing, and would like to consider adding screened porch as part of the project. We also would like to remodel the master bath with new tile and cabinets. Would we be able to recoup our costs?

A:  With home inventories at record levels in many areas, buyers have many more choices. So homes that are appealing and move-in ready — without major updating and/or repairs — usually sell faster, says Ron Shuffield, president of Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors.

Kitchens and bathrooms are two areas of every home that influence the decisions of potential buyers. It sounds like you have already added some nice enhancements to your kitchen. Updating your master bathroom should yield a higher price for your home, provided that you keep the improvements in line with the home’s value. You wouldn’t want to install gold-plated fixtures or extravagant flooring in the bathroom of a modestly priced home. From your comments, it sounds as though the first dollars that you spend should be toward replacing your deck that “really needs replacement.”

As for adding a screened porch, I would probably let the new owner do that, unless every home in your neighborhood has a screened porch and you feel that every buyer is going to be looking for that feature. Remember, too, that even if adding an upgrade only returns your actual cost of making the improvements, it still may be worth the investment in helping to encourage a faster sale.

Q: We have been trying to sell a (rental) townhome in Denver, Colo., for six months and had a sparse 21 showings. The neighborhood is transitioning downward, and location has already been identified as our top negative selling point. Should we brace ourselves for going back into the landlord business to try and ride out the slump hoping that the real estate market will recover, or continue slashing the sale price trying to snag an entry-level buyer while the location is reasonably desirable.

The mortgage on the property is at 6.75%, 30-year fixed. We’ve owned the property for nearly 12 years. We have enough equity to survive a mild dump and run price reduction (roughly $30,000). But having just invested heavily to recover from the renter’s damage, there is some emotion tied to the idea of unnecessarily giving away money/profit. We started at $189,500, but have cut our price and is now $172,500.

A:  I would recommend keeping your property listed for sale for another 30 to 45 days and then offering it for rent again if it hasn’t sold, says Ron Shuffield, president of Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors. Even though it sounds as though you have had a tough rental experience, holding onto the property for another year or two should yield you a higher value than what you will probably receive today.

However, if the home’s location is a “real” challenge today, that will probably not change once the market rebounds. I would seek the advice of a local real estate professional to guide you as to the value adjustment that needs to be made due to the home’s location. It’s always hard to ignore the emotion of property ownership, so that’s why it’s a good idea to always seek the advice of a non-biased third party professional.

Q: I am getting relocated from Elyria, Ohio to Knoxville, Tenn., because of an acquisition. The company relocation policy has not been finalized. How can I determine what the replacement cost will be to get the equivalent type of home in Knoxville? My current home is 10 years old and 1,600 square feet.

A: Your company should refer you to a Knoxville broker who also has a strong relocation department to assist you, advises Jo Lay, vice president of relocation services for Coldwell Banker. Specifically ask to be assigned to a relocation trained agent who specializes in the market around your new work location. If your company does not offer a referral, locate a local broker via the Internet and contact their relocation department directly. Talk personally to the assigned agent and describe your current home and your “must replace” list. Give all details of your preference on age, style, number of rooms, and lot size. If your home is already on the market, e-mail the link from your home’s listing to the destination agent so they can really “see” your current home and lifestyle. (A 1,600-square-foot home in Knoxville should sell for between $185,000 to $195,000.) Photos of the exterior and interior of your home really help the agent best advise you on areas that will most closely replace your current home, schools, and lifestyle within your budget. Most importantly, you need to talk to a true “local expert.”

Q: How do you predict this housing downturn to affect smaller cities in Western Montana, particularly a small town like Missoula? I am currently renting. What signs should I watch for that will tell me to start looking to buy again? We lost money selling our previous home, we don’t want to buy and lose again.

A:  The economy in Montana is very stable, but we always see a bit of a downturn in the real estate market this time of year, says Dan Wagner, president of the Montana Association of Realtors. The rental market is actually increasing. So if you are looking to buy, you can do that anytime. Rents are catching up to a point where it will be better to buy.

Q: I am single, age 29 with no debt of any kind and interested in buying my first home in the area in or around Grand Rapids, Mich. I have a secure job with an annual income of $60,000 to $65,000. I would be able to have a down payment of approximately $10,000 to $12,000. Can you tell me what price range of home I should be looking for?

A: It is difficult to provide you with an exact price range as so many additional factors come into play when evaluating what an individual may or may not qualify for, says Audrey Acquisti, president of Michigan Association of Mortgage Brokers.

When qualifying for a mortgage, the principal, interest, taxes and insurance on a prospective property are taken into consideration as well as the current interest rate. In earlier times the rule of thumb was 28% of a person’s gross monthly income could be used for their total house payment and 36% of a person’s gross monthly income could be used for total housing and all other monthly obligations.

In today’s mortgage market, an individual’s credit score has been shown to be the primary consideration when determining what the interest rate will be as well as the availability of products.

Sit down with an experienced, professional loan officer to determine, based upon the geographical area you may be considering, what you would qualify for. Ask the loan officer to provide you with a pre-approval letter before you begin shopping for a home. A pre-approval is when you provide income, expense and credit information to your loan officer and the loan is actually submitted to a lender for approval without a property having been determined.

Q: My employer is asking me to move to the Chicago area this year. I currently live in the Detroit suburbs and my house is surrounded by foreclosures. I live in an upscale community where I purchased my 2,200-square-foot, 3-bedroom, 3 1/2-bath home seven years ago for $320,000. I’m certain that if I could sell, I would have to settle for much less than $300,000, and I currently owe $150,000 on my mortgage. What could I expect to pay in the Chicago area for a similar home in a similar community?

A: Coming from the Detroit market at this time is a very challenging relocation experience, says Jo Lay, vice president of relocation services for Coldwell Banker. Hopefully your company will offer you a very competitive relocation benefit package if they want you to take this opportunity in Chicago. I have recently seen some companies who have employees moving out of the Detroit market offer “loss on sale” benefits, on top of the usual costs to sell the homes. There are two steps you need to take to prepare for your move.

First, meet with a relocation agent and ask them to complete a market analysis to determine the listing price range for your current home, and what the most probable sales price would be if you want to sell within the next 90-120 days. You mentioned foreclosures in your neighborhood, so your departure agent is going to have to be direct and honest with you regarding what your listing price will need to be to “beat the competition” in your neighborhood.

Once you have received a professional’s opinion, you will know what you are truly looking at as a possible sales price, and the approximate equity you will have to work with to purchase in Chicago. It is also extremely important to look at the absorption rates and days on market when determining what it will take to sell your home.

On the destination side in Chicago, you will probably be looking at the outer suburbs to try to get as much home as possible in your price range. A relocation agent will listen to all of your “must-haves” in a home, location of new workplace, and the price range to help you determine which areas would best fit your needs. Because of the increase in inventory in the Chicago market you have an advantage, you will have a lot to choose from when you get there. The market has a lot to offer in all price ranges and styles. When you decide to look in Chicago, you may need an agent in more than one market area to better evaluate all of the options in the different parts of the market.

Q: My In-laws have a mortgage on a double-wide manufactured home they bought new 5 years ago. It’s a nice home for this type of manufactured product and has a mortgage at about $100,000.

As you know, these types of homes tend to lose value even in good real estate times. The Problem: They have a 5-year balloon payment due later this year. The home has been appraised for about $72,000.00. I think you get the picture. How in the world can they refinance the home when it is worth about $30,000 less than its current mortgage balance? This has nothing to do with qualifying and making the payments. The mortgage has been paid on time for 5 years.

A: Your in-laws are in a tough situation, says Audrey Acquisti, president of the Michigan Association of Mortgage Brokers. Thousands of people are facing similar situations as property values have plummeted over the past year.

My first recommendation is for your in-laws to immediately get in touch with their current lender and ask for assistance. Many lenders are now trying to offer refinance options, modifications of the existing loan and other means to allow homeowners to stay in their homes. Contrary to popular belief, mortgage lenders and banks do not want to see homes go into foreclosure. No one wins in a foreclosure situation.

You have indicated that your in-laws have paid their mortgage payments on time for 5 years. This fact should help them tremendously when negotiating with their lender.

I can make no promises as to what their particular lender would do, but I would certainly hope they will agree to work with them. If they find no satisfaction following this path, I would suggest they consult an attorney, either paid or free legal, and seek assistance from a non-profit counseling agency in their area.

Four-minute movie downloads now possible

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Comcast plans to roll out 160 megabits per second service to Americans this year

Vito Pilieci

Sanyo’s Xacti E1 ( above), the world’s first waterproof camcorder and digital still camera, is shown at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Tuesday. The Xacti E1, which has a- six megapixel still camera, won the 2008 CES best innovation award for digital imaging.

A WowWee Rovio WiFi robot at the Las Vegas show is described as a WiFi- enabled webcam on wheels that can be controlled from anywhere by any device with a web browser. You can stream audio and video from the Rovio and send it back to its dock to be recharged at anytime.

LAS VEGAS – Imagine being able to download a movie in four minutes. That’s what’s possible with new technology unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Tuesday — technology that makes so-called high-speed Internet 10 times faster than today.

Comcast Corp., the largest U.S. cable company, plans to roll out the new service to Americans this year that will hit top speeds of 160 megabits per second.

The company’s chief executive Brian Roberts was on stage with Ryan Seacrest, the host of TV’s American Idol, who was asked to help demonstrate recent upgrades to Comcast’s high-speed Internet network.

The upgrades use a technology called DOCsis 3.0. Today’s high-speed connections are capable of providing connection speeds of around 10 megabits per second. With the improvements, Comcast will be providing customers with speeds in excess of 100 megabits per second when the service launches this summer.

“People of my generation want it all and we want it all now,” said Seacrest.

Using the service, he then downloaded a high-definition copy of the movie Batman Begins in less than four minutes. To tackle the same feat with a dial-up connection would take more than a week. With today’s high-speed Internet networks, it would take about six hours.

Comcast did not announce pricing for the new high-speed Internet services. Its cable Internet technologies are similar to those used by Rogers Cable in Canada.

Demand for faster and easier-to-use Internet service has been growing in the U.S. and in Canada.

“Consumers will continue to use up band width as a much as possible,” said Tony Olvet, of technology research and analysis group IDC Canada.

The faster speed also could improve home security services and computer gaming applications, he said.

Realizing the dangers and opportunities emerging online services offer to consumers, Roberts has been one of the most vocal proponents of the need for high-speed Internet services in every home.

With new offerings such as Joost and Hulu providing people with high-quality TV content online for free, cable companies have been forced to examine how to keep their customer base in the ever-changing digital world.

© The Vancouver Sun 2008


Openings delayed for two high-end hotels

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Construction issues keep Loden, Shangri-La from meeting scheduled deadlines

Bruce Constantineau

Two new high-end downtown Vancouver hotel projects have delayed their opening dates because of construction issues and other factors.

The 77-room Loden hotel at 1177 Melville was supposed to open last fall but now expects to accept its first guests in March of this year.

The 119-room Shangri-La hotel at 1128 West Georgia was set to open in September this year but now has set an official opening date of Jan. 24, 2009. The hotel will occupy the first 15 floors of a 60-storey tower.

Loden hotel general manager Edel Forristal said project developer Amacon has several projects in place now and has moved workers to different developments to keep things moving forward as quickly as possible.

The hotel — which features an 80-seat restaurant headed by chef Marc-Andre Choquette — will accept bookings about a month before it opens.

The Loden was originally going to be a two-phase development with 130 hotel rooms and meeting space but the second phase has been postponed, leaving the property with 77 rooms and no meeting space at present.

Forristal said hotel officials have used the delay to “grow” the project and make it more interesting.

“There are certain things you can move ahead with conceptually,” she said. “But it’s still not the same as having the actual pieces in front of you and seeing how it all comes together.”

Shangri-La general manager Stephen Darling said the four-month delay at his boutique hotel has been caused mainly by a desire to avoid disrupting hotel guests by ensuring the project’s 216 condos get occupied before the hotel opens.

“We could have opened in November but didn’t feel that was the right time of year to open,” he said. “We want to take the extra eight weeks and get ourselves in order.”

Darling said most of the project’s construction delays occurred three years ago when builders discovered more bedrock than they expected during excavation work.

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts regional vice-president Mark Andrew said the 415-room Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel near Canada Place is still on schedule for a mid-2009 opening.

He said hotel opening dates are often flexible and stressed it’s not a huge deal for new properties to fall a few months behind.

“The building might be finished by a certain time but hoteliers still need 12 to 16 weeks to train staff and make sure everything works properly,” Andrew said.

Hotel Georgia officials said they’re still on schedule to reopen the historic property at Georgia and Howe as a 168-room hotel by late 2009. The hotel had 313 rooms when it closed for extensive renovations a year ago.

© The Vancouver Sun 2008


Strong job market keeps house prices high

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Derrick Penner

VANCOUVER – Real estate prices rose between 11 and 12.4 per cent year-over-year, with an average detached bungalow reaching $795,250 in the fourth-quarter of 2007, realty firm Royal LePage reported Tuesday.

The national realtor credited Vancouver‘s strong job market and a still considerable population influx, which keeps adding buyers to the market, for the gain.

In its report, Royal LePage noted that the most recent census shows that large urban centres, including Vancouver, continue to attract people.

Victoria also saw price gains of 9.4 per cent to 22.7 per cent, depending on housing type, according to the report.

It was the Prairie cities of Saskatoon and Regina, however, that saw astronomical price gains of more than 50 per cent for detached bungalows reflecting rising demand from in-migration (with many people returning to their home province from Alberta) and limited supply.

Saskatchewan prices, however — $292,500 for a detached bungalow in Saskatoon and $229,200 in Regina — are still below the national average of $337,555.

“The fourth-quarter 2007 was surprisingly strong with unseasonably high price increases and unwavering demand,” Phil Soper, Royal LePage Real Estate Services CEO said in a news release.

“The strength of the market was apparent throughout the country, largely due to positive economic fundamentals.”

On the Prairies, Royal LePage said developments in the oil and gas sector, potash and uranium mining continued to drive growth.

© The Vancouver Sun 2008


InterNet to get 10 times faster

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008


Comcast Corp. CEO Brian Roberts introduces high-speed DOCsis 3.0, which allows a movie to be downloaded in less than four minutes. Photograph by : Getty Images

LAS VEGAS — Imagine being able to download a movie in four minutes. That’s what’s possible with new technology unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas yesterday — technology that makes so-called high-speed Internet 10 times faster than today.

Comcast Corp., the largest U.S. cable company, plans to roll out the new service to Americans this year that will hit top speeds of 160 megabits per second, said the company’s chief executive Brian Roberts.

The upgrades use a technology called DOCsis 3.0. Today’s high-speed connections are capable of providing connection speeds of around 10 megabits per second. With the improvements, Comcast can offer speeds in excess of 100 megabits per second when the service launches this summer.

A high-definition copy of the movie Batman Begins was downloaded in less than four minutes. With today’s high-speed Internet networks, it would take about six hours.

Comcast did not announce pricing. Its cable Internet technologies are similar to those used by Rogers Cable in Canada.

© The Vancouver Province 2008


City’s bright job market drives housing prices to double-digit increases

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Paul Luke

Home buyers lured by Vancouver‘s bright employment outlook plunged into the regional housing market in the fourth quarter of 2007, driving prices to double-digit gains, Royal LePage Real Estate Services said yesterday.

A standard two-storey house in Vancouver fetched an average of $895,000 in the quarter, up 11.4 per cent from $803,500 a year earlier.

While that increase was dwarfed by Saskatoon‘s 56.7-per-cent surge and Regina‘s 35.8-per-cent rise, Vancouver remains Canada‘s most expensive real-estate market.

The region’s rising prices have forced entry-level buyers to shift their focus to more affordable types of properties, Royal LePage said.

“The majority of buyer activity came from first-time buyers who recognized condominiums as their only means to enter the housing market,” the firm said.

The average price of a detached bungalow in Vancouver rose 12.4 per cent year over year to $795,250, while a standard condominium climbed 10.9 per cent to $428,250.

Detached bungalows in North Vancouver posted the area’s largest increase, with the average price climbing 19.6 per cent to $670,000.

In East Vancouver, the average price of a standard condo rose by 19 per cent from last year to $338,000, the firm said.

Royal LePage Northshore president Bill Binnie said the area will keep growing as the 2010 Olympics nears and the city increases its need for construction workers.

Canada‘s average price for a standard two-storey house was $399,738, up 11.3 per cent from a year earlier. The average for a detached bungalow rose 11.6 per cent to $337,555.

© The Vancouver Province 2008


Microsoft homes in on iPod with the Zune MP3

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

Bill Gates makes his final appearance at the Consumer Electronics Show

Vito P

Microsoft’s Zune MP3 player is expected be sold in Canada this spring

LAS VEGAS – Microsoft Corp. is taking a big swing at Apple Inc. and its popular iPod by announcing huge upgrades to its Xbox Live service and that it would start selling its popular Zune MP3 player in Canada this spring.

The Zune is Microsoft’s answer to the iPod. Until now, it has only been available in the U.S. This past Christmas, the Zune was so popular that demand was greater than for Nintendo’s Wii console, according to expert gadget website

Speaking for the last time as Microsoft’s chief executive at the Consumer Electronics Show here on Sunday, Bill Gates announced that not only will the device be made available in Canada, but so will movies from MGM, as well as TV and movie content from Disney Corp. and ABC in the coming months.

Until now, Apple’s iTunes store has had largely exclusive agreements for most of the new content.

Gates has opened the popular show with his “state of the union address” for the past 12 years, but he now plans to leave his full-time position at the company in June to focus on the charitable activities of his $33-billion Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“It will be the first time in 17 years that I will be moving away from my Microsoft job,” said Gates. “This will be my last keynote at the show.”

He reflected on his time with Microsoft, saying the 1990s heralded the dawn of the “digital decade” — a time when digital photos, TV shows and music became the norm.

The next 10 years, he predicted, will be even more exciting.

“In many ways, we are at the very beginning,” Gates said. “During the next digital decade, technology will make our lives richer, more connected, more productive, and more fulfilling.”

In a video, Gates jokingly showcased his post-Microsoft plans.

In one segment, he was shown working out with his new “personal trainer,” actor Matthew McConaughey. After the two finished exercising, Gates asked McConaughey, “is it time to take my shirt off?”

Another exchange showed U2’s Bono cut down Gates’ dreams to join the band, saying, “Bill we can’t replace Edge just because you got a high score on Guitar Hero.”

The video also features Gates with well-known actors and politicians such as George Clooney, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, all of whom wished Gates their best.

Joining Gates on stage was Robbie Bach, president of Microsoft’s Entertainment & Devices Division. Speculation had been swirling about who would become the new face of Microsoft in Gates’ absence. Much of that speculation was put to rest when Bach announced that he would be back at the Consumer Electronics Show next year.

Bach, who has been with the company for a decade, is responsible for the more appealing aspects of Microsoft’s business, including the company’s Xbox 360 gaming console and its Zune MP3 player.

Since 1967, the show has been responsible for introducing the world to products such as the alkaline battery, the VHS cassette player, the CD player and camcorder, and last year it highlighted the intense competition between Sony Corp.’s Blu-ray technology and Toshiba Corp.’s HD DVD.

The show annually attracts more than 150,000 attendees and more than 2,700 companies, eager to show off their technological wares.

Gates was only the first on a star-studded list of speakers who will address the crowds this week, including Toshihiro Sakamoto, president of Panasonic AVC Networks Co., Intel Corp. chief executive Paul Otellini, Comcast Corp. chairman and chief executive Brian Roberts and Rick Wagoner, chairman and chief executive of General Motors.

© The Vancouver Sun 2008