Archos 5 Internet Mobile Tablet Featuring a 5 Inch Touch Screen that plays music, Video Files, WIFI Capable & Flash Player with 120 GB of Storage –

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Cool tablet, flashy Bluetooth and a microwave for your car

Lowell Conn

Archos 5 Internet Mobile Tablet

Funkwerk America’s EGO Flash

12V In-Car Microwave

1. Hubba, hubba, says the gadget geek inside: Like any good consumer electronics purveyor, Archos understands “wow” value. Each new product from this personal media player maker arrives with sweet new features worthy of inclusion into the hearts and minds of gadget geeks everywhere. But it must be reaching a ceiling of ingenuity with the new Archos 5 Internet Mobile Tablet — it’s just so darn cool I cannot imagine what the company could possibly come up with next.

Featuring a five-inch touch screen, the ability to play music and video files, WiFi capability, an integrated Flash player and 120 gigabytes of storage, this is the product you attach to your television, record as many programs as possible and then watch them all during the rush hour commute. $400 US, visit

2. Sharp, flashy Bluetooth: It’s not just because I enjoy saying Funkwerk that I present Funkwerk America‘s EGO Flash. I am also writing about this product to commemorate the manufacturer’s partnership with new Canadian master distributor Hitfar — another name I like to say out loud. A sharp Bluetooth hands-free multimedia system that combines an OLED display with hands-free capability, the Flash throws in an MP3 player for good measure.

Featuring voice recognition out of the box — meaning one doesn’t have to “train” the system — the device integrates with the car stereo system to mute sound when a call comes in. Another nice feature built into this puppy is the ability to transmit incoming text messages onscreen — although you might wish to disable this feature if your significant other is around and there is the possibility that a more clandestine significant other will transmit a message to you. $250 US, visit

3. Nuke food on the go: The amazing thing about the 12V In-Car Microwave, available from U.K. distributor Maplin, is not that the technology exists but that it would be created. I am hard-pressed to imagine an instance where I would cook a meal on the drive, much less choose to operate a microwave product in such closed quarters. The device arrives with an LED touch screen, up to 660 watts, which should be just enough for Pizza Pockets, can be powered as its name suggests via the car’s 12-volt cigarette lighter adapter and basically is what it is, nothing more or less. To be fair, though, this product is probably intended for RVs, camping and tailgating, but marketers probably do not wish to narrow the field of buyers by admitting such a thing. $156, visit

© The Vancouver Sun 2008


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