Yuletide selling

Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Ozzie Jurock F.R.I.

We say it every year … if you have to sell do not worry about the time of year. Properties do sell in December. Some Realtors (myself included — in an other lifetime) have their best month of sales in December. So, realtors and owners remember: Here is the seller … so … he has to sell now. He must move soon but alas, he is told, December is a bad month to sell. What with Christmas and all, no one comes out looking. And the wisdom is, that the average realtor has gone skiing anyway and the seller keeps hearing that no one buys zover the season anyhow. Well, if you want to/must sell, think again.

Realtors know that, while you do not want to have anyone tromping through your home on Christmas day, those that are out looking in December are serious buyer types. They are also definitely moving — and soon. Houses and property do sell in December. So, realtors and property owners remember: Since most sellers believe no one is looking, fewer homes are being put up for sale, therefore there is less competition. Major Points to consider before hiring a Realtor: Make sure to list your property with a Realtor who is around — but tell him/ her not to book appointments on the days when you want peace, Christmas/ Boxing day, etc., however you want Realtors to know that your

home is for sale. Make sure your Realtor and/ or his company does not stop advertising over the holidays because they are expecting less business.

Major Points for your property: Put up those Christmas lights — everywhere. For a $ 20 to $ 40 dollar investment, even the most tired looking home can look great at night. Put up that Christmas tree early. Remember buyers are looking for a home. Nothing like conveying that homey feeling with presents under the tree. Have that wonderful baked cookie smell. If you don’t bake cookies simmer a cinnamon stick in water before buyers come — great aroma. Put the Christmas wreath on the door early and poinsettias through the house. You need them anyway. Said Marty Douglas, illustrious branch Manager of Coast Realty Group in Comox “ Each year I send a memo to our sales staff urging them not to give into the Christmas spirit ( spirits?) too soon because there is always a strong and very qualified group of buyers during the holidays. Competition to buy is less, buyers are more serious, and sellers know that an offer in December may not come around again until March. And every year we do the most surprising deals in December”. Indeed. There is nothing like showing a home at its sparkling best with less competition. Go against the trend — consider December.

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