City pushes for fines up to $10,000 for illegal Oly rentals

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

Damian Inwood

The city wants to ding Vancouver residents with fines of up to $10,000 if they illegally rent out their homes during the Olympics.

Right now, the maximum fine allowed is $2,000 per violation, but a report going to council Tuesday will ask the B.C. government to amend the Vancouver Charter so that heftier fines can be levied.

The report recommends relaxing bylaws covering temporary accommodation during the Olympic period. Under the proposal, residents would be able to rent one bedroom to no more than two people without a permit. But “owners wanting to rent more than one bedroom must apply to the city to create a B&B,” says the report.

That would require a $150 business licence.

Anyone found breaking the bylaw would be fined $50 per day up to a maximum of $2,000, the maximum currently allowed under the charter.

No one will be allowed to rent to Olympic guests if they have tenants after Sept. 1 to prevent short-term evictions.

A property use inspector (PUI) will monitor Internet sites in the lead-up to 2010 and advise property owners of the rules.

“During the Games, PUIs will respond to complaints from neighbours, as well as tenants, for noncompliance with the proposed bylaw,” says the report.

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