How to launch a real estate career

Monday, January 7th, 2019

What new or soon to be real estate agents need to know

Brandon Hindle

If you’re thinking about becoming a real estate agent, or you’re a new agent, you will realize quickly that real estate isn’t the “easy money” most people think it is. There are a lot of reasons for this, from the sheer amount of competition in the industry to the bad names that some really bad Realtors have given us.

There are two major barriers that I believe stop Realtors from being successful. They are a lack of education and hard work/perseverance. Getting a proper and thorough real estate agent education and not giving up will be the two things that help you get to the top.

How do you get the proper education and start yourself down the right path?

One decision I got right early on and am still proud of today was the way I chose my brokerage.  I met with five different brokerages and got to know their training managers, managing brokers and even some brokers of record. This allowed me to interview them while they interviewed me. I learned what some brokerages offer that others didn’t.

Knowing I wanted the best start possible, I chose a brokerage that offered a lot of education. I can never express my appreciation for the education my brokerage and trainer offered.

A great brokerage will teach you everything from lead generation to building your sphere of influence, to sales and marketing. They will help you make valuable networking connections and continue to teach you with weekly meetings, monthly events and ongoing training.

Choose the right brokerage and you are well on your way to success.

Educate yourself around your passions

The next step for me was learning who I was as an agent, what I liked doing and what business I wanted to build for myself.

The beauty of this industry is that you can tailor it to what you like to do. If that’s knocking on doors and cold calling, you can do it. If it’s networking with people through sports and events and online, you can build your business that way, too. Whether you like pounding the pavement or the keyboard, you can find success in this business.

That’s why the next stage of your real estate agent education is learning and focusing on your passions.

When I was first in the industry, I thought cold calling and door knocking would be the focus for me. Turns out I enjoy door knocking and despise cold calling.

“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” – Marc Anthony.

I played off the fact that I love to talk, especially about real estate. I also learned that I love the intricacies of building an online presence with a website, blog, social media and advertising. If you play off your passions, it won’t feel like work. For my business partner Tim, he had no idea what he wanted to focus on when building his business. He had no idea how to find people to work with. That’s where his brokerage training came in. He learned the different things he could try and realized he enjoyed the challenge and grind of cold calling and learning how to handle people’s objections.

It astounds me that he can jump on a phone at 9 a.m. and call all the way through to 1 p.m. I’ve heard people cuss him out and I’ve heard people tell him their life stories. I’ve heard him laugh with some people and shed a tear with others. He loves hearing people’s stories, bringing them value, and getting to know them.

It’s inspiring and terrifying.  I tried it and simply can’t do it. But that’s my point. Your real estate agent education should focus on and educate you around your passions.

Find salespeople who inspire you and learn what they are doing

Next, and honestly one of the most important things, is finding people who inspire you in the industry. There are so many we’ve talked to and so many who have helped to influence what we are building. Find who’s building a successful business with that strategy and learn everything you can about them.

The people that inspire you don’t just have to be in the real estate industry to teach you valuable lessons and things that can work for your business. Some of my other inspirations include Grant Cardone (the ultimate sales legend and motivator), Chris Smith (real estate marketing guru), Dan Norris (online content king), Pat Hiban (real estate legend), Scott & Alison Stratten (Unmarketing senseis and champions of customer service) and last but not least, Gary Vanyerchuck (social media ninja, and genie/fortune teller hybrid).

It’s a long list I know, but the best part is that doesn’t even capture everyone. I’ve consumed hours of inspirational and educational content from each of these people. They inspire me and they can inspire you too. However, these people may not be the models for you and that’s fine. Dive into teaching yourself and you will find your own people who inspire you.

Train yourself every day

After you’ve completed the initial training, found the right brokerage, found your passions and inspirations, it’s time to train yourself every single day in the areas you’ve decided to focus on. You need to get your 10,000 hours. That’s when you truly become the master of what you’re learning.

This can be practicing and role-playing, researching and reading. But it also needs to be doing. Get out there every day and teach yourself what you can.  Just make sure you don’t fall victim to analysis paralysis. Get out there and actually do! My first blogs were not the best. There was no SEO planning and no thought to readability.

Still to this day, Tim and I are both working on our 10,000 hours in multiple areas. Don’t give up, practice every day, and you will be successful. If others can do it, so can you.

Find accountability partners

The single biggest thing that has helped me stay motivated and focussed is the many people I have surrounded myself that I’ve asked to hold me accountable. It’s easier to procrastinate and give up when it’s just yourself you have to face.

My real estate trainer, my friends, my family, my business partner Tim and my wife all hold me accountable to the dreams and ambitions I’m working towards. Tell everyone you can what you’re planning and work hard for it. These accountability partners will give you a kick in the ass when you need it and will inspire you to work hard every day.

Make them proud and make yourself proud.

© 2017 REM Real Estate Magazine

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