Archive for April, 2020

Facts about Covid-19

Monday, April 6th, 2020

Fully referenced facts about Covid-19


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Brothers in arms: Realtors’ solutions for staying productive and sane

Monday, April 6th, 2020

How realtors and mortgage brokers overcome the isolation, boredom and stir-craziness

Clayton Jarvis
Mortgage Broker News

Realtors and mortgage brokers are used to playing on the same team, but never to the extent seen today. The battle against COVID-19 (and isolation, and boredom, and stir-craziness) has bonded agents and brokers in an “Oh, we are all in this together” kind of way that goes beyond professional courtesy. The circumstances are regrettable, but the real estate industry’s intensely cooperative reaction surely isn’t.

MBN spoke to real estate agents from across the country to find out how they’re driving business and, even more importantly, how they’re staying sane as the country comes to realize that the COVID-19 crisis is still in its early stages.

How are you evolving your business during COVID-19?

Sahil Jaggi, RE/MAX Realtron Realty (Mississauga, ON): There is some insecurity in our jobs as we are 100% commission, so without showings or meetings it’s hard for agents to be as productive. I’ve been focusing a lot on organizing my CRM systems and accounting. It’s also a good time to educate yourself with bebinars, podcasts, books etc.

Anthony Brown, Royal LePage Atlantic (Halifax, NS): I love learning, so I’ve been reading a ton and taking doing one webinar or online training activity every day. I’ve also been doing some business mapping exercises.

Patty Mack, RE/MAX Camosun (Victoria, BC): I have been self-isolating, but I stay in touch with clients by email, text and calling, just to touch base and say hi.  Providing virtual tours, Docusign and electronic file exchanging is critical until health experts tell us we can return to normal. We are an essential service and must show leadership in this crisis.  We all have to do our part to get over this curve. 

David Fleming, Bosley Real Estate (Toronto, ON): I’ve been writing three blogs per week since 2007, and I’m not going to change that now.  I’m continuing to produce new content, and even doing my “Pick5” video every Thursday, even though there aren’t many new listings, since I know people are starved for content and might be tired of Netlfix.

Paul Roussel, RE/MAX Escarpment Woolcott Realty (Burlington, ON): We’re maintaining communication with our current and past clients as well as keeping up with our “warm calls” to leads in our database. Our message has less to do with real estate and more to do with supporting our community and offering help in any way we can. We are still listing homes and, amazingly, they are getting some showings and even selling. We haven’t seen a big price dip but it’s certainly taking a little longer to sell than our crazy hot sellers’ market in the first 2 months of the year.

Tarek El Attar, RE/MAX Affiliates Realty (Ottawa, ON): We have our entire administrative and ISA team working from home, so we have taken a community-centered approach to our marketing, integrating things like 3D showings.

AJ Hazzi, Vantage West Real Estate (Kelowna, BC): We have been moving our meetings into the virtual realm via Zoom, have been masterminding the latest video techniques and are now incorporating some interactive video.  COVID-19 has also forced us to take a good hard look at the fixed expenses of our business.

How are you staying sane during COVID-19?

Patty Mack: Like most people, we have simplified our life and are staying home.  We self-isolated after being out of the country and all of our children are staying home as well. We’ve been in closer touch than usual, with lots of video chats and family Zoom meetings.  It is so important to take the guidelines and restrictions seriously.  It is mandatory that we self-isolate and maintain social distancing. 

Tarek El Attar: Every day gets treated as a workday. It is essential that industry professionals have a nice home office – a space they can enter and truly get into their work zone in a time like this. I have books on the go and I’m also taking three different university programs in negotiation, leadership and commercial real estate development. This is an opportunity to grow and evolve, as Winston Churchill said, never let a good crisis go to waste.

Sahil Jaggi: Exercise has been really helpful. I’m going home workouts and I go for a bike ride every day. Podcasts and Audible have been great. I have also taken this time to reconnect with some old clients. 

David Fleming: Maintaining a routine is key. As Realtors, we are accustomed to our daily schedule, which is often regimented, and involves time-blocking. To stay at home with the family and just take the day as it comes to you is a recipe for boredom, frustration, and a feeling of displacement.  I try to work in my office from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., then spend some time with the kids, then head back to work a bit more in the afternoon and again late at night, which is typically when I would be doing offers, listing presentations, or showings.

Anthony Brown: Going back to the basics has helped. Things like good sleep, daily exercise, good nutrition, drinking lots of water and meditating really make a difference.

AJ Hazzi: I’ve been using this time to produce content for both realtors and the public.  It’s also been nice to be home spending time with our six-month old daughter (although my wife would say I’ve been on the phone or in Zoom chats around the clock).  I can tell you this much, I’ve not been bored.

Paul Roussel: I’ve got three kids (8, 6, 2) so my house can be like a zoo at times but my wife and I are trying to maintain structure in their days. We go outside just in front of our home or walk around the block just to get some fresh air. We’re very careful with keeping our distance from everyone. In fact we are not allowing any visitors during this time, even the grandparents. It’s difficult for everyone. On the flip side of that, it’s been nice to spend lots of time with my wife and kids. We just have to avoid falling into the iPhone/ipad abyss. 

Copyright © 2020 Key Media

Metro Vancouver experiences adjustment in home buying activity in March

Monday, April 6th, 2020

REBGV posted most sales prior to emergency

Duffie Osental
Mortgage Broker News

Metro Vancouver’s housing market saw steady home buyer demand at the start of March – however, activity levelled-off later in the month as concerns about the COVID-19 outbreak intensified.

According to Ashley Smith, president of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV), much of the sales recorded in March were in process before the provincial government declared a state of emergency.

“The first two weeks of the month were the busiest days of the year for our region with heightened demand and multiple offers becoming more common,” said Ashley Smith, president of REBGV. “Like    other aspects of our lives, this changed as concerns over the COVID-19 situation in our province grew.” REBGV reported total residential home sales of 2,524 in March 2020, a 46.1% increase from the 1,727 sales recorded in March 2019 and a 17.4% increase from the 2,150 homes sold in February 2020. However, daily residential sales in the region, which averaged 138 in the first 10 business days of the month, declined to an average of 93 sales in the final 10 business days of March.

The board also reported 4,436 detached, attached, and apartment properties newly listed for sale in Metro Vancouver in March 2020, representing a 10.4% decrease compared to the 4,949 homes listed in March 2019 and a 10.8% increase compared to the month prior, when 4,002 homes were listed.

The composite benchmark price for all residential properties in Metro Vancouver is currently $1,033,700 –a 2.1% year-on-year increase from March 2019, and a 1.3% from February 2020.

Copyright © 2020 Key Media

Here’s how Realtors will survive this challenge

Monday, April 6th, 2020

When the dust settles, how do we restart our businesses

Paul Maranger

Realtors who were around during 9/11 and the 2008 global financial meltdown will recall that the taps shut off for inbound leads overnight. This time around, it seems even more personal, even more dire.

In many markets across the country, we have seen strong seller market conditions. The tide will turn though. We will see worried sellers and unmotivated buyers nationwide. This environment is where we, as true professionals, will earn our salt. Unfortunately, many markets in Canada, particularly in the West, have experienced such challenges for some time.

We will survive this. The taps will re-open and we will get through this difficult period. However, to succeed, each of us needs to create an action plan focused on getting back to basics, trimming expenses and staying positively focused. Shrink your budget, but not your time nor your effort.

The best salespeople in our industry don’t just sell houses and condos. That is only one aspect of their work. The top salespeople are also the best communicators and have an incredible ability to connect with prospective buyers and sellers. More than ever, we must communicate clearly, confidently and dispassionately. Although our communications must show empathy, they may also include “tough love”: giving sellers information that may be hard for them to swallow but will ultimately help them make decisions that will be in their best interests (although they may not see it that way at the time). In difficult markets, compelling and well-priced listings still sell. Listings will in turn generate buyers and the cycle of our business will restart.

The COVID-19 crisis has created inertia in our business. Let’s get the ball rolling again. When buyers fear missing out on a good deal, they’ll jump in. When sellers fear losing more capital, some will start to price ahead of the market. Where buyers’ and sellers’ fears of missing out intersect is where we will be able to put transactions together.

This leads me to our action plan.

Step one: Getting back to basics

Start by buying 100 (or 500) non-branded thank you cards.

No one gets handwritten notes anymore. They are truly very special. All of our communications tend to be so impersonal. Start by handwriting notes (yes… handwriting) to your recent past clients (beginning with the most recent transactions and working backwards). Thank them for doing business with you and add a warm thought you have about the client, their family or their life. Include your business card because, after all, we are businesspeople.

Start by writing 20 to 25 notes of appreciation a day. If your budget doesn’t allow for card purchases, create your own personalized letterhead on Word, print off the sheets, and then hand write the note. Or try to find a local purveyor of handmade greeting cards. Every city has one. I found Inkwell while visiting Halifax a few years ago. Let’s support Canadian small businesses like our own.

Dig up all of your past opinions of value.

Reach out to those people. Are they contemplating a move in 2020? This can be done through your contact management system, in bulk. Better yet, pick up the phone and call them.

Step two: Trimming expenses

Analyze your business.

Speak with your accountant and your managing broker. Where can you cut unnecessary costs? Where can you best focus your efforts? You probably now have more time than money. Pick up the phone and make some calls, simply to touch base.

Social media engagement.

I mentioned the support of small businesses and taking a positive approach to your own business. Social media is the least costly method for building visibility.

Here’s a thought: Write down the names of 10 small businesses that you have supported over the years. Call each owner or manager to say that you would like to highlight their business. When it’s safe to do so, maybe you can shoot a brief amateur video of yourself baking bread with the baker in your favourite bakery; donning an apron and making a cappuccino in your favourite coffee house; interviewing the organic greengrocer. Or arrange a group of friends to clean up a park or public space and post your achievement. You can be the voice of your local neighbourhood. YouTube features countless videos to teach you how to ramp up your social media presence.

Step three: Stay positively focused

Change your attitude.

Be positive. Present market facts (dispassionately). Present your best advice and strategy to your sellers. Pricing is more important than ever. Be positive in your social media posts, advertising and newsletters.

Expect traditional public open houses to bring poor results.

Yes, this is the new world order. Will buyers fear congregating in groups? Will they shift their consumption patterns online in even greater numbers? Will sellers continue to have reservations about public open houses? You will need to find new ways to connect with people. This further emphasizes the need to connect with past clients on a highly personalized level.

There will be business this year. Simplify your business structure and get back to basics. Devote more effort and more of your time on it. Together, we can get through this challenging period: we will survive this.

© 1989-2020 REM Real Estate Magazine

COVID-19 slowing the alternative market

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

The virus has put construction projects on ice and forced industry players to cancel any face-to-face contact

Ephraim Vecina
Mortgage Broker News

Activity in Canada’s alternative lending segment is expected to significantly decelerate amid the global COVID-19 outbreak.

The virus has put construction projects on ice and forced industry players to cancel any face-to-face contact.

Morrison Financial Mortgage Corp. in Toronto has announced that it is placing on hold all new purchases, dividends, and redemptions.

“The real estate market is at a total, or near-total, shutdown,” Morrison Financial principal David Morrison told BNN Bloomberg. “Many larger companies of the same ilk are in the same boat and have been forced to take, or are in the process of considering similar action.”

Trez Capital in Vancouver has also suspended cashouts on investor funds amounting to more than $3 billion. The company said that while it has yet to suffer any defaults, it cannot provide an estimate as to when investors can begin redeeming again.

“We have to protect everything,” Trez chairman and chief executive officer Morley Greene stated.

Figures from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation indicated that the alternative market represented around 1% of the nation’s mortgages last year. The segment had around $14 billion in outstanding mortgages, held by an estimated 200 to 300 lenders.

Copyright © 2020 Key Media

Coronavirus upends GTA condo market

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

COVID-19 has caused an immediate slowdown in housing market activity

Ephraim Vecina
Mortgage Broker News

A few weeks into Ontario’s state of emergency, the Greater Toronto Area’s condo sector is now bordering on being a buyers’ market – a full 180-degree turn from its previous status as one of the most desirable multi-family housing destinations in Canada.

“While real estate fundamentals indicate that housing demand will bounce back over the long-term in major urban centres like Toronto, COVID-19 has caused an immediate slowdown in housing market activity and across the economy more broadly,” Zoocasa stated in its latest analysis.

From March 3 to the final week of the month, the market’s condo sales fell by a dramatic 53%, from 1,541 to 729. The number of new listings also declined by 26%, from 2,490 to 1,842.

“This was a swift shift from sellers’ market conditions between March 3-16 when the [sale-to-new-listings-ratio] was 62%, to market conditions bordering those of a buyers’ market just two weeks later where the SNLR was 40%,” Zoocasa said.

For both detached and semi-detached homes, sales dropped by a comparable 53% during the same time frame, from 2,435 to 1,153 transactions. New listings across all housing types decreased by 30%, from 4,503 to 3,140.

The current pandemic has decimated financial and housing markets nationwide, with Toronto seeing a hard stop despite an average home price growth of around 9% year-over-year during the last full week of March (ending up at roughly $856,000).

Copyright © 2020 Key Media

Making the best of it: staying productive during COVID-19

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

Getting ahead of the daily malaise is to be productive

Clayton Jarvis
Mortgage Broker News

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on – more than 900,000 cases were confirmed worldwide at time of writing, with over 8,600 in Canada – brokers and their clients are staring down the barrel of at least another two weeks of strict social distancing.

Waking up each day to a cocktail of rising death tolls and sinking stock prices can leave even the most dedicated mortgage professional struggling to stay focused and productive. Chris Leader, president of Leader’s Edge Training, says one way of getting ahead of the daily malaise is to be productive before even waking up.

Leader’s “High Five” program encourages both real estate agents and mortgage brokers to primarily leverage automated messaging technology to reach out to their databases.

“It’s polite, it’s respectful and it’s proactive, with the upside of generating business going forward,” Leader says. “It’s a bit on the passive side, but it’s really productive.”

Leader’s “High Five” activities include:

  1. Sending five texts – something positive and relatable – to five different people. This is a great strategy for keeping the lines of communication flowing and normalized.
  2. Sending five emails, again to five unique receivers. Email may not be the chosen form of communication for all mortgage clients, but it’s still an effective way of reaching out to people who aren’t fused to their phones.
  3. Writing five social media posts. There’s no better way of staying relevant and plugged in. Leader says leaving comments on others’ posts is another way of engaging, but that’s hard to automate – unless you also run a troll farm in Uzbekistan.
  4. Writing five handwritten cards/notes. While this particular strategy can’t be automated, it provides a calm, thoughtful start to the day and offers your recipients a pleasant surprise when your note arrives.
  5. Leaving five voicemails. Leader recommends a service like SlyDial, where originators can leave voicemails without ringing the recipient’s phone.

“If you put out 25 of those contact points every day, that’s basically 125 a week, 500 a month, 6,000 a year,” Leader says. “If you’re looking at even a 5% conversion rate on some of that business, you’d be looking at 30 transactions from nothing more than staying connected to your sphere and using technology to do it.”

Leader, who trained loan officers at TD Bank, RBC and Dominion Lending Centres before transitioning to coaching realtors across North America, says staying in regular contact with your client base is an important component of not only maintaining business, but of maintaining everyone’s emotional and psychological stability during an unprecedentedly confusing time.

“It’s about reaching out, staying connected and letting the community know that you’re here,” Leader says.

Copyright © 2020 Key Media

Vancouver home sales dropped 33% in late March as pandemic fears intensified

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

COVID-19 infects home sales

Sean MacKay

March started with a boom for the Vancouver housing market as spring sales activity showed promising signs of taking off after delivering uniformly weak results throughout 2019.

According to Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) data released Thursday, daily residential sales averaged 138 transactions a day in the first 10 days of March before dropping to 93 sales a day in the month’s final 10 days. This 33 percent decline is the first substantial sign in the Vancouver region of the bite the COVID-19 pandemic is projected to take out of sales activity in the spring.

“The first two weeks of the month were the busiest days of the year for our region with heightened demand and multiple offers becoming more common,” said REBGV President Ashley Smith, in a media release.

“Like other aspects of our lives, this changed as concerns over the COVID-19 situation in our province grew,” she continued.

The strength of early-month sales, along with transactions initiated in the first half of March that closed later in the month, meant the total still rose 46 percent over the same period in 2019. There were 2,524 sales in March, good enough for a 17.4 percent increase over February’s total, but nearly 20 percent below the 10-year average for the month.

With the rapid escalation of the pandemic’s impact on every aspect of life in the Vancouver region, market activity in April is expected to be a much more telling sign of how severely sales will be curtailed.

“Many of the sales recorded in March were in process before the provincial government declared a state of emergency. We’ll need more time to pass to fully understand the impact that the pandemic is having on the housing market,” Smith said.

Real estate services, including realtors, were named “essential services” by the provincial government last week, a designation that REBGV says it is taking seriously and providing ongoing guidance to its approximately 14,000 members.

“This [designation] means that we have a responsibility to do what we can to help residents meet their housing and shelter needs while strictly following the most up-to-date public health orders and physical distancing requirements from our health officials and government agencies,” Smith said.

© 2019 BuzzBuzzHome Corp.

Toronto Region March Home Sales Taper in Response to COVID-19: TRREB

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

Toronto witnessed a dual sales outlook in March


The big picture for home sales activity through the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB) in March depicts a strong year-over-year (y-o-y) sales increase of 12.3 per cent with 8,012 homes changing hands compared to 7,132 sales the year prior. New listings across the region rose three percent y-o-y to 14,424 and the average home price increased 14.5 per cent y-o-y to $902,680.

In the City of Toronto specifically, there were 2,771 home sales, marking a 12 per cent increase since February, and a 9 per cent increase y-o-y. Home prices remained flat since February, but increased 19 per cent annually to $987,787. 

However, despite an overall increase in sales activity across the region, March was characterized by two distinct periods – the period before and the period after all three levels of government introduced emergency health and economic measures to contain COVID-19. These measures included social distancing protocols, economic relief packages, two emergency Bank of Canada rate cuts, as well as a number of initiatives targeting homeowners and renters.  

Traditional Spring Market Conditions Depicted Across the GTA in Early March 

In their latest monthly release, the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB) noted that sales were “clearly driven by the first two weeks of the month,” before emergency measures were introduced and when buyers and sellers were still gearing up for what was expected to be a busy spring market. Leading up to March 15, there were 4,643 transactions across TRREB, which is a 49 per cent increase compared to the same two week period the year prior. These transactions accounted for 58 per cent of all monthly transactions in the region in March. 

GTA in Buyers’ Market Territory After COVID-19 Measures

With a growing number of home buyers and sellers choosing to stay out of the market in response to growing COVID-19 concerns and the resulting government measures, the region experienced a rapid change in market conditions over the latter half of the month. There were 3,369 sales reported from March 15 – 31, in what TRREB characterized as the “post-COVID period,” which is 15.9 per cent lower than the same period last year.

The slowdown in housing activity was most pronounced following Ontario’s emergency declaration on March 17, and resulted in a distinct shift in sales-to-new-listings (SNLR) ratios in favour of buyers’ market conditions across virtually all home types in the region. There were just under half the number of sales across all home types (a 53 per cent drop) in the two weeks following the emergency declaration. This, coupled with a 30 per cent dip in new listings for semi-detached and detached houses and a 26 per cent drop in new listings for the condo market, transformed the GTA from a balanced to a buyers’ market in just two weeks. 

Prices Stable Across the Toronto Region Since February; Up Since 2019  

At the high level, the average home price remains stable across the region at $902,680 compared to $910,290 last month and still depicts a y-o-y increase of 14 per cent. That being said, TRREB reported that prices experienced a decline in the second half of the month, when the sale price of $862,563 for the period between March 15-31. 

Detached and semi-detached home prices across TRREB were up 12 and 13 per cent y-o-y at $1,107,870 and $889,480 respectively. Condo apartment prices were up 18 per cent to $658,791. Compared to the previous month, prices across all housing types remained flat or experienced a slight decline, with condo apartments most impacted by a 3 per cent drop in prices compared to February. 

The City of Toronto experienced a similar trend – home prices for all housing types were up y-o-y. Detached house prices rose 16 per cent to $1,465,826 y-o-y, but remained flat compared to February 2020. Semi-detached home prices are down 4 per cent since February to $1,155,457 but up 13 per cent annually. Condo townhomes were most impacted by a 7 per cent monthly drop to $728,250 but up 12 per cent y-o-y. Condo apartments experienced the highest annual growth rate at 18 per cent increasing to $712,746 but average prices remained flat since last month.

Check out the infographics below to see how sales and prices have increased across all home types in for TRREB and the City of Toronto in March:

© 2015 – 2020 Zoocasa Realty Inc

How to show a property through video chat

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

Brokerages encouraging the use of virtual showings

Rachel Hammer

As we Realtors do our part to minimize the spread of COVID-19, adopting new strategies and techniques for safely showing properties is essential. Many brokerages are encouraging Realtors to use virtual showings in place of in-person ones. When you can’t meet your clients in person, the best way to show them a house from a safe distance is to use video chat.

It’s hard to believe that any buyer would make such a monumental financial decision without visiting a property. At this time, most do not. A virtual tour via video chat is merely a tool to help buyers vet a property and can be followed up by an in-person showing if they really love the home. Alternatively, some Realtors have been presenting offers with clauses that make the agreement conditional upon viewing the property at a later date.

If you’ve never used video chat apps to conduct showings before, here is your crash course in how to conduct a virtual showing using just your smartphone or tablet.

Step 1: Choose an app that works for you and your clients

Your choice of app will depend on the devices you and your clients have access to, your comfort level with technology and the number of people you want to include on the video chat. Here are some popular options that are easy to use. To use any of these apps, both you and your client must have the app installed or have an account with the web version of the service. More on that below.


For Apple device users, the easiest option for video chat may be a FaceTime call. This method most resembles a typical phone call, with the addition of video. Both you and your clients must have Apple devices (iPhones, iPads or Mac computers) in order to use FaceTime. To make a video call, open the FaceTime app, choose your client’s contact and click the call button.

Facebook Messenger

If FaceTime is not an option, Facebook Messenger could be your video chat tool. This requires both you and your client to have a Facebook account, and to be connected as Friends. Download the Messenger app in advance and log in. We recommend using text chat to confirm that your clients are ready for the tour before starting a video call. To make the call, click the camera button in the top right corner.


A popular alternative video chat app, especially if you are chatting with multiple people in different locations, is Zoom. This easy-to-use app allows you to conference with many people at once and make a recording of the chat for later review. To use this app, visit and sign up for an account. You’ll have to download the app on your mobile device or tablet as well by visiting the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android), and sign in there.

Before you head to the showing, schedule a meeting using the Schedule button on the app home screen. Choose your date, time and other settings to create the meeting. provides you with a template invitation, so all you have to do is send an email to your clients. They will use the link in that email to join the meeting when it’s time. Remember, they too have to have the app installed on their device(s) and should do so in advance to save time.  


You can chat with up to four people on video using WhatsApp. Like other apps on this list, WhatsApp requires you to create an account and add your clients as contacts before you can chat. To make a video call with WhatsApp, open a chat with your client and click the video camera icon at the top of the screen.


This app has been on the scene for a long time. To use Skype, you need to create an account and choose a username, as will your clients. Add each other as contacts with your usernames. The app can be downloaded onto your mobile device in advance. Starting a video chat is much like starting a phone call. You click on the contact’s name, start call and enable video.

Google Hangouts

This is the free version of Google Hangouts Meet, and you likely already have access to this app if you use Gmail. If you don’t already have a Google account, you will have to create one and download the app to your mobile device. Add your clients as a contact using their email address and place a video call by selecting the contact and clicking the camera icon at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Connect to Wi-Fi

Ask the listing agent for Wi-Fi login details in advance so that you can show the property with the highest video quality possible. When you arrive at a property, connect to the Wi-Fi before calling your clients. Let the client know that you will need a few minutes to establish a connection and that they should expect your call soon after the appointment begins.

Step 3: Set yourself up to shoot great video

When you place a video call to your clients, make sure you are standing in a spot with good light on your face. By default, all the apps on this list begin a video call using the camera on the front of your phone, so the first thing your clients will see is you. If you’re standing with your back to a window or in a dark spot, all they will see is a shadow.

At the start of the call, take a minute or two to talk to your clients about their expectations for the virtual tour, and give them your first impression of the home. When it’s time to start the tour, engage the camera on the back of your phone by clicking the icon that looks like a camera with circular arrows inside it.

Remember, on any app there will likely be a short delay between what you see or say, and what the client receives on their end. Make sure to pan your device slowly so that the camera can pick up essential details. Speak clearly.

Video chat alone will not sell a house, which is why your experience is so important. While you’re in the house, give your clients the details that can’t be observed on video chat, such as traffic noise from nearby roads, pet odours, drafts and even a sense of scale.

It’s perfectly normal to feel unsure the first time you show a property through video chat. It’s something you’ve probably never done before, and it may take a few minutes for you to find your groove. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be as comfortable with video chat as you are with in-person showings.

With care and dedication, we can all make a difference in limiting the spread of COVID-19 and help our industry return to business as usual. Stay safe out there, and good luck!

© 1989-2020 REM Real Estate Magazine