Rennie?s opinions on longtime residents trouble readers

Monday, June 6th, 2016

Bob Rennie, home prices, development, realtor commissions, traffic jams, nudists, Jordan Bateman

The Province

So condo salesman Bob Rennie thinks white male homeowners should be muzzled when it comes the planning process. What a racist!

If I’m a non-white citizen of convenience who moved into my neighbourhood last week, I would have a voice but me, Joe Taxpayer for 25 years, should keep my trap shut? If my neighbours and I, white and non-white don’t want towers, density or whatever ant hill his royal highness Rennie wants to build on our street, then that’s our prerogative.

Question now is how Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson will react to these comments. Rennie and his developer buddies appear to call the shots in this little village of ours and the mayor through campaign donations is beholding to these characters.

Barry Craig, Vancouver

Rennie’s ‘greed’ is the issue

Bob Rennie says Vancouver neighbourhoods are too “old” and “white” and resistant. He accuses us “whiteys” of sacrificing future generations by choking off supply and hurting affordability.

Community groups are trying to preserve affordable real estate for our young Canadian people so they don’t have to leave Vancouver.

It is spineless, inept politicians and greedy real-estate moguls who are destroying our beautiful city as they worship at the throne of the almighty dollar.

Brenda Hamilton, North Vancouver

Time to cut fat commissions

Bob Rennie and all real-estate company owners could help potential home sellers and buyers by implementing a reasonable sales commission. With house prices jumping by 20 per cent to 40 per cent last year, I am at a loss trying to figure out how realtors can justify their hugely inflated commissions? I know I’m not alone in thinking that prices and commissions are out of control.

Ed Rogers, Coquitlam

Vision causes traffic jam

Vision has really done it, installing a concrete island in Beach Avenue and Davie Street.

On Sunday, Mayor Gregor Robertson and his council had traffic backed right back to Second Beach, having reduced the street to one lane. You couldn’t cross Beach Ave for the cars, which were bumper to bumper over the cross walks. If a car wanted to turn left at Davie Street, no one behind could get by until it had cleared the intersection.

Vision’s persecution of cars is ludicrous.

Don Smith, Vancouver

Oh, those poor nudists

Wow, I had no idea of the hardships nudists face in Vancouver. A whole extra block to walk to Wreck Beach? Makes everyone else’s transit woes look downright trivial, eh?

Stacey Gilkinson, Delta

Three cheers for Bateman

Thank you, Jordan Bateman! It is about time the role city and municipal governments have been playing in the rapid increase in housing costs was brought to the public’s attention.

The mayors’ regular complaints about foreign investment being the cause of increasing home prices and their demands that the provincial government do something has been a smokescreen to cover up their own massive contribution to the price hikes.

Perhaps they should take a hard look in the mirror to see who is really responsible for these massive price increases.

Perry Coleman, Delta

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