Real Estate BC Announcement

Monday, May 14th, 2018


Real Estate BC Announcement

Our real estate brokerage industry in the province of British Columbia is being forced into a regime of regulation that in general terms will have far reaching effects. Much of which is causing a great amount of uncertainty with all licensees.

The Regional office has been and will continue to voice concerns with the BC Real Estate Council, the Office of the Superintendent of Real Estate, all MLAs, the Finance Minister and the Premier of BC. However, it will require the direct involvement of all licensees to ensure a logical solution is applied to ensure British Columbia consumers receive the protection they justly deserve.

One method beyond individual activism is in the establishment of a group to ensure a single vision is communicated. Naturally BCREA as our provincial association has a leadership role in the lobbying of government bureaucrats and policy makers. In addition, the Real Estate Brokers Association (REBA) can be an effective voice. Given those two existing organizations a group of like minded brokers and agents have formed the Real Estate Alliance of BC to also provide a voice and lobbying effort to ensure government and regulator hear the concerns of all licensees, as well as consumers concerns about the new regulatory regime.

Real Estate Alliance of BC (REAL BC) is a grassroots movement of REALTORS® from BC that was formed to advocate on behalf of real estate practitioners, consumers and the communities in which they live. Their members live, work and contribute to communities throughout BC. They intend to ensure that our collective voices are heard while we engage government on the significance and consequences of the public policy changes proposed in the months ahead. They’ve allocated significant time & resources, on behalf of REALTORS® and the thousands of consumers you represent. They’ve heard the grave concerns from within the profession of the impacts and unintended consequences the elimination of dual agency, recusal and other changes will cause.

Well it’s action time…

They want and need our support. The more members they can gather, the stronger the voice, which will be imperative moving forward. REAL BC has conducted professional polling research, contacted all BC MLAs and are planning to launch a media campaign to help ensure the message is heard. The objective will be to secure a commitment from Government to amend, review or delay the proposed changes until the best interest of consumers in BC is achieved and ensure the right to individual choice is preserved, unintended consequences are avoided and BC home buyers and sellers can continue to engage their REALTOR® as an informed and empowered participant.

This is a personal request to all RE/MAX REALTORS® to make sure you become a member. You can sign up on the home page of their website: (There is no cost to becoming a member and it takes under a minute to join), we are also asking you to enlist the help of your office staff, colleagues, friends, relatives and clients who understand the issue and care about being shown the respect to make their own choices. Their submission to the Superintendent is at

Members will be provided with updates, engagement opportunities, and resources to help in the advocacy efforts, for those who wish to actively participate.

We thank you in advance for your commitment & showing your support as we advocate on behalf of the public and our profession and ask you to please join the Real Estate Alliance of BC today!

For more information please visit the website or contact either Charlie Parker at [email protected] or Ian Thompson at [email protected].

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