5M visitors use Zolo to start their search for a home and a mortgage

Monday, August 20th, 2018

Zolo and BFG take the stage

Broker Financial Group
Mortgage Broker News

It’s no secret, buying a home is exciting but stressful. While getting keys to your new place is super-exciting, applying for a mortgage is arguably everyone’s least favourite part of the process — a situation made worse by recent changes to mortgage regulations.

According to a recent study released by the Mortgage Professionals of Canada, approximately 100,000 Canadians were prevented from buying a place in 2018, due to the new mortgage stress test.

“It’s hard for us, as professional real estate agents, to spend days, weeks, even months helping our buyer find the perfect place only to have their dreams smashed because of strict finance qualification rules,” explains Mustafa Abbasi, president of Zolo Realty.

To help streamline this process, Zolo Realty launched Zolo Mortgages. Buyers working with Zolo real estate agents will get immediate access to Broker Financial Group’s more than 900 agents in more than 60 brokerages across Ontario.

Already, more than five million home shoppers start their real estate search using Zolo. By getting real-time data and professional expertise and resources, these buyers make better-informed property decisions. The addition of Zolo Mortgages means these buyers can confidently purchase a home with the knowledge that the financial part of the equation is also taken care of, explains Abbasi.

Home buyers aren’t the only ones to benefit. As a partner with Broker Financial Group, agents of Zolo Mortgages can place all types of mortgages including purchases, refinances, equity takeouts, debt consolidations, renewals and mortgages for self-employed.  

“We know that five in 10 renters expect to purchase a home in the next five years,” says Abbasi. “Applying for a mortgage is arguably everyone’s least-favourite and least-understood part of the process. By working with Zolo, these buyers get a seamless, integrated and holistic approach, which is necessary given that the days of easy credit and super-fast housing sales won’t be around forever.”

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