Broadway Subway officially approved

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

City extends thanks to residents, businesses, and government partners for their support for much-needed rapid transit extension


Following the federal and provincial government’s official announcement of full funding for the Broadway Subway, the City of Vancouver extends its thanks to residents, businesses, and government partners for their continued support of the project.

The extension of rapid transit along the Broadway Corridor is the top priority of the City of Vancouver’s Transportation 2040 plan, and is the single most significant investment that could be made to support economic growth in the City and throughout the region.

7,190 new jobs

“As one of the largest infrastructure investments in BC’s history, the Broadway Subway will provide a huge boost to Metro Vancouver’s economy and liveability,” said Mayor Gregor Robertson. “The Broadway Subway will create 7,190 jobs— plus an estimated 5,120 indirect jobs—and improve regional access to the second largest employment centre in BC. This enormous investment in Metro Vancouver’s transportation network has been a long time coming and will significantly reduce traffic congestion, cut commute times along the Broadway Corridor by half and further enhance our city’s economic competitiveness.”

Construction begins in 2020

Construction for the Broadway Subway will begin in 2020 and is expected to be complete by 2025. Once complete, the Broadway Subway will bring fast, frequent and reliable SkyTrain service to one of the busiest destinations in the region. 

On opening day, the Broadway Subway will be able to carry more than three times the current capacity of the 99 B-Line bus service. Travel time between VCC-Clark and Arbutus will take 10 minutes, and a passenger embarking at Lafarge Lake-Douglas Station will arrive at Arbutus in 46 minutes — one train, no transfers, no traffic congestion.

A benefit to everyone throughout Metro Vancouver

Enhancing transit capacity along the Broadway Corridor was first identified as a regional need almost 30 years ago. Since that time, the corridor has grown into the second-largest employment centre in the province, with the busiest bus route in Canada and the United States.

Residents and businesses have been patiently waiting for this rapid transit line, which is critically needed not only for the residents and businesses of the City of Vancouver, but for the benefit of everyone throughout Metro Vancouver.

The Broadway Subway will be delivered by the Government of BC,  in partnership with the Government of Canada, TransLink and the City of Vancouver. The Province, as the owner of the existing SkyTrain system, will carry TransLink’s work forward in delivering the Broadway Subway project. Upon completion, it will be fully integrated into the regional transportation network and operated by TransLink.

Learn more about Broadway Subway and opportunities to get involved

© 2018 City of Vancouver

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