Lofty real-estate prices just benefit slumlords

Friday, April 6th, 2007


Not everyone is happy about the government buying hotels for low-income tenants. Photograph by : Arlen Redekop, The Province, file

Although I’m happy that something is going to be done for the homeless people in this city (“Suite deal,” April 4), I can’t help but be a little choked that the province has decided to purchase these properties at the peak of real-estate prices.

The slumlords who let these impoverished people live in filth, bedbugs and cockroaches win in the end — but I guess that’s what happens when you’re a wealthy landowner in B.C.

Nikki Royston, Burnaby

Not the right solution


Published: Friday, April 06, 2007

It seems that Premier Gordon Campbell goes from one mess on to another mess. Both Campbell and NDP Leader Carole James have not provided for the most basic needs of the poor. Buying broken-down hotels that are worthless and having the same people who now lie in the streets move into them does not do anyone any good.

These people need to be out of those areas into a mixed urban area in which about 10 per cent of residents would qualify for low-income housing.

And, as far as housing is concerned, what is taking Campbell so long in taking over the Hells Angels’ clubhouses?

Robert Melynchuk, Surrey


© The Vancouver Province 2007


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