High-resolution satellite to upgrade photos

Saturday, September 15th, 2007


WASHINGTON DigitalGlobe, provider of imagery for Google Inc.’s interactive mapping program Google Earth, said a new high-resolution satellite will boost the accuracy of its satellite images and flesh out its archive.

The new spacecraft, dubbed WorldView I, is to be launched on Tuesday.

Together with the company’s existing Quickbird satellite, it will offer half-metre resolution and will be able to collect more than 600,000 square kilometres of imagery each day, up from the current collection of that amount each week, chief executive Jill Smith told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Smith said the launch, to be broadcast live on the Internet at http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/bls/missions/world

view-1/, and the planned launch of a second Worldview II satellite in late 2008, were critical milestones for the company.

Privately held DigitalGlobe is still working toward an initial public offering in the next few years, Smith said. She declined to say this could come before the launch of the second WorldView satellite.

“The business is as strong as we had hoped,” Smith said, adding, “The key is to continue to hit the milestones that we’ve set.”

Once its third satellite is launched, DigitalGlobe said it will be collecting more than one million square kilometes a day of high-resolution imagery.

Smith said WorldView I would allow far faster collection of imagery, and add more quickly to the company’s archive, already the world’s largest commercial archive of satellite images. The library contains more than 300 million square kilometres of satellite and aerial imagery.

The new satellite will also provide far more accurate data, including the ability to pinpoint objects on the Earth at three to 7.5 metres.

Using known reference points on the ground, the accuracy would rise to about two metres, Smith said.

DigitalGlobe built the satellite in part with $500 million US in funding from the Pentagon’s National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), but it can sell the images commercially as long as their resolution is no sharper than a half-meter.

Its publicly traded rival, GeoEye, is also due to launch a new high-resolution satellite this fall.

DigitalGlobe continues to expand sales and partnerships rapidly, Smith said, noting that one of her goals was to expand the ability to deliver images online to an increasingly broad customer base.

Smith said the U.S. military increasingly viewed commercial satellite imagery as a “core part of the military infrastructure,” although there would always be a critical role for purely military satellite systems.

© The Vancouver Sun 2007


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