Thinking of switching to a Mac? Here’s why you might

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

Edward C. Baig
USA Today

Customers browse iMacs at an Apple Store in Salt Lake City. Macs are generally more expensive than Windows PCs, but Mac lovers say they’re worth it.

Most consumers seeking a new computer this holiday season will buy a Windows PC. And yet judging by the questions I get, many would-be buyers are considering a Macintosh for the first time, possibly because they’re smitten with the iPod, or because of Apple’s clever Mac guy/PC guy TV ads.

I’m a Mac guy, too, though not one who believes bashing Windows is a prerequisite. So consider this column a primer on switching to the Mac. I’ll come back next week with advice for folks who plan on sticking with Windows.

Answers to some key questions:

Why are Macs special?

It’s like explaining the difference between a Buick and a BMW. Both get you from here to there, only the ride is generally smoother and more fun. Put another way, Windows users tolerate their computers to get stuff done. The Mac crowd enjoys its machines, whether managing music in iTunes or pictures in iPhoto.

Mac hardware is beautifully designed; the strikingly thin all-in-one iMac desktop, for example, has an anodized aluminum frame and glossy glass cover. The underlying software is polished, robust and secure, with see-through menus and fanciful icons that spring to life when you click on them. Indeed, Apple’s computers to date have been immune from the scourge of viruses and malware that have long plagued Windows.

Macs aren’t completely trouble-free; programs on my own iMac sometimes freeze up. But the machines are exceedingly reliable, much more so in my experience than their Windows rivals.

Is there a learning curve?

Sure, but it’s not as steep as you might think. Apple’s operating system is known as OS X (pronounced “Oh S Ten”). The latest version carries the nickname Leopard; previous iterations were called Tiger, Jaguar and Panther.

Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows Vista, adds features that have been part of OS X for a while, including universal desktop search. You’ll have to pick up a new vocabulary, of course. Example: Windows users dispose of files in the “recycle bin.” Mac users dump them in the “trash.”

For $99, you can buy a year’s worth of weekly personalized training sessions at Apple retail stores.

Are there things I can’t do on a Mac?

Occasionally. You may work for a company or take a class whose software requires Windows. But Microsoft has long produced an Office suite for the Mac — a new version is coming — with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and an Outlook-like program called Entourage. So you can read and edit Word files, say, on a PC that were created on a Mac and vice versa.

Mac and Windows PCs can be on the same wired or wireless network, and share printers, common file types, cameras, keyboards and other peripherals. You can even connect a Mac to a PC to move files from one machine to the other.

Printers and other peripherals often work with a Mac out of the box, without you having to load or update software.

Not all programs are superior on a Mac, however. I’ve traditionally preferred the Windows version of Intuit’s Quicken finance software to the Mac version.

Gamers should note that OS X has far fewer titles than Windows does.

You may also run across a website that doesn’t work with Mac’s Safari browser. But the overwhelming majority of sites work just fine with Safari or other Mac-friendly browsers. Microsoft no longer produces or supports Internet Explorer for the Mac.

Aren’t Macs pricier?

Well, you won’t find sub-$400 bargains. The cheapest Mac, the 6.5-inch-square Mac Mini starts at $599 — without monitor, keyboard or mouse.

Among consumer desktops, the iMac line starts at $1,199 (and goes way up from there). It’s sold with a 20- or 24-inch screen.

Apple sells a more expensive Pro line of desktops, but they’re beyond the scope of the typical home user.

Among notebooks, entry-level MacBooks have 13.3-inch displays and cost $1,099 on up; they’re terrific consumer or student notebooks. The MacBook Pro comes in 15- and 17-inch versions and starts at $1,999. It has superior graphics, among other enhancements.

You get a lot of bang for the buck across all the machines, though in some cases you’ll want to splurge for a more generous hard drive and extra memory. New models come with iLife ’08, a slick multimedia software suite for handling pictures (iPhoto), video editing (iMovie), making music (GarageBand) and websites (iWeb).

Leopard has standout features of its own, including Time Machine (dirt-simple backup) and iChat (way cool video chat).

How do I run Windows on a Mac?

Macs with Intel chips — Apple converted all its models over to Intel in 2006 — can run a program called Boot Camp, which comes with Leopard. It lets you boot up into Windows or OS X, but not both simultaneously. And you’ll have to buy your own copy of Windows XP or Vista.

Through so-called virtualization software, available from third-party companies such as Parallels or VMware, you can run the two operating systems at the same time.

Apple owners heap lavish praise on Macs for good reason. These are solid and elegant computers that are well worth your consideration.

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