Want gleaming granite? Get an expert

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

Shell Busey

Q. We moved into a home with granite countertops that we really like but we are not sure if the previous owners have ever sealed them properly. What maintenance is required for granite and is there something that we can use to restore the shine.

Cliff, Surrey

A. While granite is one of the most durable stones available, you should re-seal your granite countertops every two years to avoid any staining and to preserve the natural look. For maintenance and cleaning, always use a product specifically designed for natural stone, not over-the-counter cleaning products. I would suggest you contact the folks at Apex Granite and Tile since they will be able to suggest a suitable product and maintenance program. They also have a restoration service that would help to bring the stone back into its original appearance. In the Greater Vancouver area they can be reached by calling 604-882-9284.

Q. One of most dreaded spring cleaning chores is cleaning my window screens. How do you recommend cleaning them?

Dorris, Vancouver

A. When cleaning screens take care not overstress the fabric. To begin, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. If the screens are quite dirty you can add mild dish soap to the vinegar cleaner. Fill another bottle with clear water. Remove the screen from the window and wipe both sides with a microfibre cloth, or you can gently vacuum. Lay the screen flat on an old towel; spray with your vinegar cleaner and clean using a soft brush or sponge. After you have cleaned both sides, rinse with the clear water and blot dry with a clean towel. Throughout the year you can keep your screens clean using a lint brush.

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