B.C. realtor sent to jail for tax evasion

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009


A B.C. realtor who refused to pay income tax, claiming the Income Tax Act applied only to corporations, has been sentenced to 20 months in jail and fined $98,211. John Loosdrecht of Kent filed income tax returns for 2001 to 2004, but failed to report any income or deductions, claiming that as a “natural person,” rather than a corporate entity, he was not subject to tax. At the same time, his employer reported that Loosdrecht earned commissions totalling $758,228, the Canada Revenue Agency said in a news release. Taking into consideration reasonable expenses, the CRA determined Loosdrecht owed $98,211 in federal income tax. Loosdrecht was found guilty of income tax evasion in absentia in November after he failed to appear for the continuation of his trial. Loosdrecht was discovered in Cancun, Mexico, in December and was detained pending his extradition to Canada in April.

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