IPhone 3GS has a better camera, editing

Saturday, June 20th, 2009

Test drive of the new features was worth the wait: They raise the bar for smartphones

Gillian Shaw

The iPhone 3GS (above) at the 5th Avenue Apple store in New York. Happy customers (right) celebrate after purchasing the first of Apple’s new phone.


The door had barely closed on the courier delivering Apple’s new iPhone 3G S for me to demo when I had it out of the box and plugged into my laptop.

A few seconds later it was activated and ready to go.

Like any kid with a new toy, I ignored the more serious features aimed at improving knowledge and productivity and went straight to the fun stuff.

– Video: The missing feature that had many groaning when the earlier iPhones launched: video recording. As someone who’d like to be ready at all times to immediately share interesting events — whether it’s the dog doing tricks or, say, a plane landing in the Hudson River — I applaud Apple’s decision to finally add a camcorder. This alone would be enough to make me upgrade from my 3G to the new 3G S.

– Show and Tell: Even better, the iPhone 3G S lets you do an (albeit rough) edit right on the phone and post your videos to YouTube, or share them via e-mail or MMS (multi-media messaging service). You can also publish it to your MobileMe gallery, a feature — among others — that may make me reconsider my decision to cancel MobileMe, a synchronizing and storage service from Apple that costs $99 US, or $149 for the family plan.

– Smile, you’re on a 3.0-megapixel camera: So it’s no match for your digital SLR, but focus has improved over the earlier iPhone model, and tapping on the iPhone screen lets you selectively focus on anything in the frame. I tried taking photos of my dog in low light — pretty much impossible to distinguish features with my old iPhone, but better with the new. Considering that it is only one of the iPhone’s many functions, we’ll give it a passing grade.

– Speak to me iPhone: Hold down the home button (that’s the one at the button of your iPhone) and the screen will switch to voice control. The disembodied voice is very accommodating: Who do you want to call? What music do you want to listen to? Or, if you have trouble keeping up with your playlist, she’ll even tell you what you’re listening to.

Yoo Hoo: Now where did I leave that iPhone? Another case for MobileMe, which you need to access this feature, you can zoom in on the GPS location of your phone on a map, and if it has fallen into the wrong hands, remotely wipe all the data from it.

– Wait up: This wouldn’t be enough to make me pay for an upgrade over the 3G, but the new iPhone is certainly speedier. Up to two times faster, according to its billing. For gamers this could be a real selling point. Perhaps the most notable was when I added a Twitter application to both phones, giving the 3G a considerable head start over the 3G S.

The app was ready to go on the new phone, while my old one was still cranking its way through the download.

– Where am I? I don’t know whether I’ll be able to give up a handheld GPS for geocaching, but the on-board compass on the iPhone could be handy if you start heading in the wrong direction on the Grouse Grind. Plus, it shows your latitude and longitude so if you’re given to skiing out of bounds at least you can give rescuers an idea where to look.

– 50,000 and climbing: Applications, that is. Okay, so the apps are available for all iPhones, but if you don’t have one yet, you’re missing out on everything from cool games to playing while you pretend to be taking notes at a meeting, to an app from Stanley (the tool company) that turns your iPhone into a level.

Some of the features of the new iPhone are ones that you get if you upgrade your older phone to the new 3.0 operating system.

All told, the combination of the new OS and the latest hardware is stepping up the competition for the BlackBerry and other smartphones.

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