False Creek lands now a model for urban renewal

Saturday, February 6th, 2010


Concord Pacific has been a lead participant in the downtown Vancouver skyline transformation since Expo 86. Its 2010 Winter Games contribution is commensurate to that history: “Concord Place” is the largest open-to-all community celebration organized by the private sector. The Vancouver Sun asked company president Terry Hui to comment on its “host” activities and, of course, its quarter-century of putting people into homes on the north shore of False Creek. He writes:

Concord Pacific has sponsored Vancouver-wide community events and charities for more than 20 years and has supported the 2010 Winter Games since the initial bid. We’re ecstatic about stepping up even further and becoming an official supplier of the 2010 Winter Games and welcoming the world.

Expo brought the world to Vancouver and put our city on the world stage. We have grown and matured so much over the past 20 years. Concord’s contribution, during such a significant era of growth, has been a legacy contribution, as a master-planned-community developer, firstly at Concord Pacific Place on the former Expo grounds.

We have developed our neighbourhoods strategically to enhance the lifestyle of all who make their homes in them. We work closely with a wide variety of consultants with varied backgrounds and philosophies to capture the best of West Coast living in an urban setting. We also consult with the public and various levels of government to ensure that we are working toward a shared vision.

This work has steadily transformed the city’s south-facing skyline and redefined urban living locally and internationally. Today, Concord Pacific Place is a microcosm surrounded by all a metropolis has to offer. It includes more than 10,000 homes, acres of parks, two kilometres of seawalk, schools, a community centre, and shops and restaurants and services.

Concord’s and Vancouver’s successes have not gone unnoticed with Concord frequently playing host to urban planners, developers and architects from around the world, eager to emulate the model for urban renewal and densification established by Concord and Vancouver’s city hall.

A mix of geography, geopolitics and demographics has contributed to the success of Concord Pacific Place, of course. Vancouver is exceptionally diverse and few cities in the world attract people of such a great variety of ethnicities and lifestyles.

The purchase of real estate is personal. So many people who visit Vancouver fall in love with the city and purchase real estate, including second homes.

Many live here because this is where they were born. Think of the effort someone has to make to purchase a home and furnish it from overseas.

Although Concord Pacific works across Canada, Vancouver is my home and I feel it offers a balanced lifestyle that you cannot find anywhere else in the world.

We look forward to welcoming our community and the world to our community on the lands that will be our crowning neighbourhood.

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