Archive for the ‘Other News Articles’ Category

Race for Whistler rails on

Friday, November 28th, 2003

Ashley Ford

The Rocky Mountaineer will compete on its strong track record.

The highly successful Rocky Mountaineer rail service has formally thrown its hat in the ring to provide passenger rail service on B.C. Rail tracks between North Vancouver and Whistler and from Whistler to Prince George and Jasper.

The decision comes hard on the heels of the controversial decision by Victoria to sell B.C. Rail to CN Rail.

Scarcely 24 hours after the major deal was announced, B.C. Rail-CN issued a request for proposals to operate third-party tourist passenger trains on B.C. Rail and CN in B.C. A final decision is expected by February.

The Great Canadian Railtours Co. has long been interested in expanding its service offerings and had been negotiating with B.C. Rail for two years before the impending sale of the railway halted proceedings.

Peter Armstrong, GCRC president and CEO, feels the company’s success and the fact it already operates over CN and CP tracks gives it the inside track on the competition.

Whistler Rail Tours of Vancouver/Via Rail has also proposed a Vancouver Whistler service. Whistler Railtours would provide the railcars and Via would operate and maintain the service.

“Rocky Mountaineer Railtours has a strong track record in passenger rail and we have developed the business tenfold from when it was operated by Via Rail,” said Armstrong, adding that his company has developed a “business model that has surpassed the expectations of travellers in B.C.”

Armstrong said his company is the best suited to meet the challenge of establishing a service that can be sustained over the longer term on the routes.

“If there is potential economic impact to be gained by the communities along the route, we again are confident that our model and our experience will allow us to work with the communities to fully develop that potential,” Armstrong said.

Specifically, the company will operate the Whistler Mountaineer between North Vancouver and Whistler as an extension of the Rocky Mountaineer service to run between Whistler, Prince George and Jasper.

The company will also run excursions out of Prince Rupert to serve the cruise-ship business. It also plans to test the feasibility of a Kootenay service that would link up Golden, Cranbrook, Creston, Trail, Castlegar and Nelson.

Rocky Mountain is the largest privately-owned passenger trian service in North America.

© Copyright  2003 The Province

Tax Audits – Everything you wanted to know

Thursday, November 20th, 2003


Mountaineer plans Whistler stop

Tuesday, November 11th, 2003

Passenger-service proposal includes using dome cars on the rail route from Vancouver

Jim Jamieson

Great Canadian Railtours sees a profit in offering a ride with a view.

Great Canadian Railtour Co., owners and operators of the Rocky Mountaineer, has put itself in the running to operate passenger rail service between Vancouver and Whistler.

The Vancouver-based company, which specializes in rail tours through Canada‘s West and the Canadian Rockies, announced yesterday they are prepared to operate two new passenger-rail services along the B.C. Rail route.

The proposed Whistler Mountaineer service would operate between Vancouver and Whistler, utilizing a locomotive train with dome cars.

An additional service, departing from Whistler, would use Prince George as an overnight stop for travellers and extend the current Rocky Mountaineer network along the B.C. Rail and CN routes to Jasper.

This route would include a self-propelled dome car.

The proposal indicated that provided all approvals are obtained prior to Dec. 31, 2003, north and southbound service along both routes would commence as early as 2005.

“We’ve made our intentions known to B.C. Rail and the government that we would be extremely interested in showcasing B.C. through this model,” said Great Canadian Railtour spokesman Graham Gilley.

“But we are sitting on the sidelines and letting the RFP [Request For Proposals] take its process. If an operator is declared, we will work with them.”

The B.C. government issued an RFP for private operators for publically owned B.C. Rails on May 15.

The short list of four possible buyers includes Canadian Pacific, Canadian National and a partnership between OmniTRAX and Burlington Northern.

The B.C. government has said it hopes to have a private company in place to operate B.C. Rail by the end of the year under a long-term lease. B.C. Rail terminated its passenger service last year because it lost money, but Gilley said his company is confident it can make a financial go of it.

“We recognize the need to be creative,” he said. “We have an established distribution network and have been in business 14 years with an established brand.”

Tourism Vancouver spokesman Paul Vallee said any improvements to the transportation link between Vancouver and Whistler adds to the marketing value of the Lower Mainland.

“It’s one of those things we can throw into our promotional mix when we’re out there selling this part of the world,” he said. “It’s a spectacular trip and rail tourism is gaining in popularity.” Rocky Mountaineer Railtours offers two-day, all daylight rail tours between Vancouver and Jasper, Banff and Calgary, including over 60 independent package tours of the region.

In August, Whistler Rail Tours of Vancouver announced it is partnering with Via Rail in the hopes of launching a luxury tourist-rail service to Whistler, also starting in 2005.

© Copyright  2003 The Province

Pink Diamonds

Sunday, November 9th, 2003


New treatments for psoriasis s

Monday, November 3rd, 2003


Can a restaurant location be cursed?

Monday, October 27th, 2003


Britannia Beach eyes rich future

Saturday, October 25th, 2003

HOWE SOUND I A striking new vision would see the town attract half a million visitors a ye

William Boei

CREDIT: Stuart Davis, Vancouver Sun Under a new plan, the town’s population would increase from 300 to 3,000 and become an ‘affordable, sustainable community.’

CREDIT: Ian Lindsay, Vancouver Sun Files View of the community of Britannia Beach from the top of the old mill. Howe Sound and the mill at Woodfibre can be seen in the background.

The historic mining community of Britannia Beach, the site of some of Canada’s worst mining pollution, could be transformed into a major mining technology centre and a tourist stop attracting half a million visitors a year, under a design concept unveiled Friday.

The population of the small Howe Sound town south of Squamish, now about 300, would expand to between 2,000 and 3,000 and it would become “an affordable, sustainable community.”

Rather than pushing a conventional real-estate development, planners are calling for Britannia Beach to build on its history as a mining town: it was once known as the biggest copper producer in the British Empire.

Nearly all existing heritage buildings would be preserved.

Mining technology centres funded by the University of B.C. and the federal natural resources industry, along with an upgraded B.C. Mining Museum, would boost the number of tourist visits from between 30,000 and 40,000 a year to about 500,000.

Proponents say Britannia Beach is a natural stopping point between Vancouver and Whistler, and the town’s transformation could be complete before the 2010 Olympics.

The plan was produced in a round-table process involving everyone from town residents and developers to University of B.C. landscape architects and the regional, provincial and federal governments.

Final decisions to go ahead with various components of the plan are expected as early as next spring; one developer says he will definitely proceed, regardless of whether other components go forward.

Local planning meetings have been under way for more than a year, culminating in an intensive four-day “charette” or round-table this week, during which stakeholders brain-stormed until they came up with a set of detailed designs. The charette ended Thursday and participants went public for the first time Friday.

Patrick Condon, a landscape architect who holds UBC’s James Taylor Chair in Landscape and Livable Environments and organized the charette, said the time is just right for Britannia Beach.

The town’s pollution problem — acid rock drainage from the old copper mine has been leaching into Britannia Creek since the mine closed nearly 30 years ago, killing fish and plant life in the creek and in Howe Sound — is finally being tackled.

UBC mining engineers helped “plug” the mine two years ago to divert heavy-metal discharge into a pipe that now takes it directly into Howe Sound, bypassing the creek. Britannia Beach resident Pam Tatterfield said she may have detected the first new signs of life in the creek this summer.

The provincial government, in exchange for some of the land in the town, will build a water treatment plant within two years that will strip 99 per cent of the heavy metals out of the water, which may allow Howe Sound to recover over time.

As well, years of litigation over pollution, financial issues and land ownership have finally ended.

“This is an opportune moment where all these pieces are coming together,” Condon said.

“The land tenure has been clarified, the bankruptcy has been set aside, 2010 is on the horizon, and these two key proposals from UBC and Natural Resources Canada are very vital and real proposals.”

UBC is planning to invest in a research centre focusing on mining issues and how to create a more sustainable mining industry, while Natural Resources Canada is looking for a location for an innovation centre on mining technology, focusing on boosting Canada‘s mining expertise. Both are considering Britannia Beach, and both took part in the charette.

The water treatment plant is expected to cost around $20 million, and the mining technology centres would pour another $20 million or more into the town, Condon estimated.

The B.C. Mining Museum would renovate and expand its facilities in the old mine’s mill building, an impressive, multi-storey structure on the side of the mountain, visible from the highway below.

The UBC and federal mining research centres would tie into the museum, creating a complex that would attract museum visitors as well as academic, government and industry traffic.

Museum site manager Henry Gottardi said community response to the plan was “all positive.”

“There weren’t any negative voices,” he said, “because the (charette) process addresses the needs of each group. … It has provided a unified vision for the community.”

Gottardi said the museum’s board has not made a decision yet to push ahead, but has begun to consider the “staggering” transformation it will have to make to expand from 30,000 visitors a year to half a million.

The biggest land owners in the town are Macdonald Development Corp., the museum, and the provincial government on the north side of the town, and several other developers to the south.

“The real estate portion will be moving ahead regardless” of whether the mining complex is built, said Jerry Bordian, president of Britannia Bay Properties, a subsidiary of Macdonald Development.

Britannia Bay is negotiating with current residents to sell them their homes and lots, which they now lease as a holdover from company-town days. It plans to seek rezoning soon to allow more development, in-fill about 40 more lots among the 105 existing residences, then do some studies to see how many more homes it should build.

Bordian said the section of the town to be known as Britannia Bay North, directly below the old mine site, can probably expand to between 300 and 350 units. He did not know how many units the companies that own land farther south might develop.

“We’re optimistic about the future of Britannia,” Bordian said. “We see it as a wonderful location that has a great community with a great heart.”

Condon said the town’s history — the mine, the prosperity it brought in the early part of the 20th century, a series of disasters that claimed miners’ lives and the legacy of pollution — may prove to be the unifying factor for redevelopment and its future identity.

The new town envisioned by the charette would have homes, services, schools and jobs, all on a compact site, as well as transit service, so it would not be entirely car-dependent. It might be possible to use the mine’s warm leachate for geothermal heating, Condon said, and to rebuild a small hydro-electric facility on Britannia Creek that used to power the mine to supply the town’s electricity.

Tatterfield said the community is happy with the direction set by the charette. The plan includes a new commercial core and main-street design and a highway diversion that will keep much of the tourist traffic separate from residential neighbourhoods, and “the community is very supportive of what’s being proposed.”

© Copyright 2003 Vancouver Sun

Hotels open doors to online bookings for Net-Savvy guests

Tuesday, October 21st, 2003


Tax Audits – Everything you wanted to know

Wednesday, October 1st, 2003


Strata cannot refuse Hardwood floor installation

Saturday, August 2nd, 2003
