Airbnb slashes nearly 2,000 jobs, scales back investments

May 8th, 2020

25% of Airbnb workforce slashed

Ryan Smith

Short-term rental giant Airbnb has announced that it is slashing about 25% of its global workforce – nearly 1,900 jobs.

The news came in a note sent this week by Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky to employees.

“Today, I must confirm that we are reducing the size of the Airbnb workforce,” Chesky said. “For a company like us whose mission is centered around belonging, this is incredibly difficult to confront, and it will be even harder for those who have to leave Airbnb.”

Chesky said the layoffs were unavoidable due to the havoc wreaked on the travel industry by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are collectively living through the most harrowing crisis of our lifetime, and as it began to unfold, global travel came to a standstill,” Chesky said. “Airbnb’s business has been hit hard, with Airbnb’s revenue this year forecasted to be less than half of what we earned in 2019.”

Chesky said the pandemic forced the business to face “two hard truths” – that it’s unknown when travel will return, and when it does return, “it will look different.”

“While we know Airbnb’s business will fully recover, the changes it will undergo are not temporary or short-lived,” Chesky said. “Because of this, we need to make more fundamental changes to Airbnb by reducing the size of our workforce around a more focused business strategy.”

Chesky said that laid-off employees in the US will receive a severance package of 14 weeks of base pay plus one additional week for every year at the company. Outside the US, laid-off employees will receive at least 14 weeks of pay “plus tenure increases consistent with their country-specific practices.” He also said that the company would cover one year of healthcare costs for laid-off employees through COBRA.

Chesky said that the company will also slash its investments “in activities that do not directly support the core of our host communities.” He said Airbnb would pause its efforts in transportation and scale back its investments in hotels. 

Copyright © 2020 Key Media Pty Ltd

47% of U.S. Realtors expect COVID-19 to decrease business by at least half

May 8th, 2020

A survey showed pessimism and concern by realtors

Clayton Jarvis

In news that will do little to calm the nerves of America’s antsy mortgage professionals, data released by Point2 Homes last week finds sentiment among real estate agents around COVID-19’s impact on their businesses to be one of pessimism and concern.

The survey, which follows the far more optimistic polling of homebuyer sentiment Point2 Homes released on April 9, collected responses from 259 agents between April 7 and 14. There’s little potential for shock in some of the data, such as 77% of respondents noticing at least “quite a significant drop” in homebuyer interest. But the feelings realtors expressed around what business will look like once COVID-19 passes are somewhat out of step with what realtors told MPA.

When asked about their level of concern over the impact of the outbreak on their business, 88% of realtors said they are at least “somewhat worried”, but the majority of that cohort are either “very worried and concerned” (36%) or “extremely anxious” (29%). Only 3% of realtors said they are not concerned by COVID-19’s impact “at all”.

Eric Bramlett, broker at Bramlett Residential in Austin, Texas, says the brutality of the 2008 financial collapse prepared most agents for the worst COVID-19 will throw at them.

“The 2008 recession was very long and directly impacted the real estate market. This looks like it will be shorter and less impactful,” he says. “It looks as though we’ll see a 10-20% decline in sales volume in 2020, which is not ideal, but not catastrophic. Most of my peers feel the same way.”

Kerry Martenson of 4 Seasons Real Estate in Billings, Montana, agrees that a 20% reduction in business wouldn’t be out of line with what her business has been experiencing, but because her state allowed sales to continue so long as safe showing guidelines were followed, the local market has been humming along without too much difficulty.

“Our available home inventory has been very low, but I expect to see more listings come on the market as the state continues to open back up,” she says. “For me personally, I am not overly concerned about how real estate in Billings will be affected. I expect to see home prices and home sales continue to increase.”

The responses were grim when agents were asked to estimate the extent of the financial damage COVID-19 will ultimately do to their incomes. Over 70% of respondents are expecting losses of at least 25%, while 20% are projecting losses of more than 75%.

The remaining questions provide a somewhat muddled view of the future. 44% of agents say they are expecting a significant negative impact on the real estate market in general (42% expect slightly negative effects), but 85% think the post-lockdown recovery will take 12 months or less. 41% of realtors surveyed feel the recovery will be complete in three to six months. But a not insignificant 13% say the recovery could take up to two years.

Ruth Krishnan of Krishanan Team in San Fransciso says that while sales activity has fallen by half because of the city’s strict stay-at-home order, business is already picking up.

“We’ve sold six or seven homes in the last few weeks,” she says. “I suspect what we’re going to see by the end of the year is a good, solid level of activity. As far as being worried or anxious, I’m not at all.” Krishnan says the San Francisco market had softened slightly before COVID-19 and that those conditions should continue.

Bramlett, for his part, believes the bottom might be hit as early as a few weeks from now.

“I believe we’ll look back at April and May as the valley of this recession, at least for contracts written,” he says. “It’s still early to predict with accuracy.”

Copyright © 2020 Key Media Pty Ltd

Leadership lessons during the COVID crisis – Sotheby’s

May 8th, 2020

To lead during a crisis, you need to have transparency, clarity, effective communication and rock-solid leadership

Don Kottick

I have been interviewed by the media over the past few weeks asking what Sotheby’s International Realty Canada and the leadership team did to prepare and respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Dianne Usher, one of our regional managing brokers in Ontario, reminded us that the Chinese use two symbols to represent the word “crisis” – one symbol represents danger and the other represents opportunity.

As a management team we quickly decided that we were not going to take holidays or approach the crisis in a passive fashion. We decided collectively that we were going to lead and not follow others as everyone was scrambling to find their way.

Early on, we determined that to lead during a crisis, you need to have transparency, clarity, effective communication and rock-solid leadership. Our team quickly developed and released protocols to our Realtors in an environment that was changing daily. We refined our protocols on a regular basis as government edicts changed, all the while ensuring we had safety and operational protocols for sellers, for buyers and for third parties such as home inspectors and photographers. We were one of the first brokerages to outright ban open houses, and we ensured that any in-person visits followed strict protocols ensuring the safety of all involved.

Next, we brought forward our suite of virtual tools supplemented with updated training on how to operate in a completely virtual environment. During the initial phase, we migrated our entire physical national administrative operation to a fully remote, virtual operation with all the staff working from the safety of their homes. In a few short days, our national staff executed our disaster recovery plan and seamlessly created a completely virtual company.

We moved our office meetings in each region to ZOOM and dramatically increased the frequency of our meetings. In times of crisis, communication is paramount as it ensures the management team is able to bring clarity and calm while bringing forward the operational protocols, especially in a very fluid, changing environment. Elaine Hung, chief marketing officer, said, “As the isolation period moved from days to weeks, the need for human connectivity increased for both emotional and psychological reasons. This was evident by the high attendance at our virtual meetings and sessions.”

During this time, we intensified the number of virtual training sessions, which included sessions on our national and international marketing tools, our social media tools and our technology tools. Each week we brought in different speakers via ZOOM from marketing and branding people, to sales experts, to motivational speakers and a whole host of technology-based seminars. We also included national and international virtual cocktail parties to give our Realtors and staff a break from living in isolation.

From the very beginning, we encouraged our Realtors to find ways to give back to the community and use this pause in the economy to connect and support their sphere of influence. We are of the belief that if you do not connect with a client during the COVID-19 crisis, then you might as well remove them from your client list. Our Realtors came up with amazing and creative ways to connect with their clients, such as virtual babysitting, children’s bingo and virtual Jeopardy, just to name a few. We conducted virtual sharing groups for our Realtors to share their creative and innovative ideas and provide a forum for them to discuss issues they were facing.

We were surprised to hear that a few brokerages had informed their Realtors take some holiday time and a few national franchises were slow to provide protocols or direction to their Realtors. By this time, our team was in overdrive with a mandate to overcommunicate and provide as such support to our Realtors as possible. This was not a slowdown for us. As a result, even though we were not actively recruiting, many Realtors were calling our management team for virtual interviews as they had heard of the support we were providing.

Seven weeks into the crisis, you could sense the anxiety and tension increasing throughout society as a whole. To counter this, we instituted more virtual sessions relating to positivity, mental health and motivational training. It was during this time that we decided to make, a wonderful mental health charity for youths, our national charity.

We still don’t know how long we will be in isolation and we don’t know what the recovery will ultimately look like, but our management team continues to increase the frequency of motivational and training sessions for our Realtors to keep everyone engaged and sharp.

I know that we as an industry will get through this, I believe there will be a flight to quality, with some fringe Realtors leaving the industry, but I believe the best Realtors will continue to transact and will continue to flourish.

We hope that everyone out there remains safe and healthy, and we look forward to the day when our markets rebound with real estate leading the economic recovery.

© 1989-2020 REM Real Estate Magazine

Why flying is about to get a lot more expensive – for good

May 8th, 2020

Discount airlines maybe gone forever

Joseph Hall

There once was a time when the skies were glamorous, reserved for jet setters tracing vapour trails to Rio and the Riviera. The rest of us loaded up the station wagon — Griswold vacation style — and drove to a campground or a rental on Georgian Bay.

Cheap flights changed that dynamic.

But with COVID-19 annihilating the airline-industry model that made flying affordable, those long-ago times may well be back.

The airline industry is now in tatters, posting hundreds of billions of dollars in losses. And experts are predicting that costly new safety measures will lead to the demise of discount airlines and a significant jump in ticket prices.

From fewer seats on flights, to longer boarding times, to reconfiguring airports for social distancing even before passengers leave the ground, this pandemic has clipped the wings of both business and pleasure travellers and may have lasting effects.

“The elite will always fly … the rich and famous are doing that as we speak,” says Ambarish Chandra, an airline industry expert at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.

“But if I had to make a prediction I would say that flying will become a lot more expensive, there will be a lot fewer options and so you would have to be quite affluent and have a very good reason to fly to be able to justify it,” Chandra says.

The strategy that made flight affordable to the masses was simple — cramming as many people as possible into a plane and turning that aircraft around within an hour of touchdown with another jammed load, says Chandra.

Social distancing will put an end to that, he says.

And that means far fewer passengers on planes that will need to be sanitized for hours before reloading.

“So the cost of travelling is going to go up, that’s a fact,” says Frederic Dimanche, director of the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism at Ryerson University.

The number of seats on commercial planes could fall to 50 or 60 per cent of current configurations, says Dimanche, and airlines will have to raise prices to make flights viable.

Another factor that may drive airplane travel to the realms of the rich is the almost certain demise of the posh business class seating that helped make many airlines profitable.

Dimanche says the risk of infection and longer security and boarding times — possibly double the pre-pandemic cattle lines — will discourage most business travel.

“The quick business trip of a day or the round trip from one place to another is dead,” he says.

“People are not likely to be willing to spend so much time in the airport and on the plane … just for a meeting that they’ve found out in the last two months they can do by Skype or Zoom or Microsoft Teams.”

But, he adds, in our globalized society, where relatives and friends are spread across the country and continents, people will still be lured to fly.

It’s the extended weekend getaway to the Caribbean or the week at the beach in Mexico that are no longer viable, he says.

“People are going to be reallocating their priorities in terms of type of trip, destinations, and budget for sure.”

And that could mean more people will be hitting the road, returning to family camping trips or drives to the lake for their leisure travel.

“We’ll go to something out of the past,” Dimanche says.

The first sector of the airline industry to suffer from COVID-19 will almost certainly be the discount carriers, whose thread-thin margins depend entirely on the quick turnaround, sardine-can flights that the virus will almost certainly eradicate, Chandra says.

“I wouldn’t be shocked to see many, many airlines just finding it unsustainable to keep operating,” he says.

“I would expect big, national carriers (like Air Canada) to continue in some form, struggle on through the crisis and emerge at the other side. But it’s hard to imagine how the smaller airlines are going to compete.”

And any move to quell passenger fears by eliminating seating would also eliminate any potential profits the discount carriers could hope for, Chandra says.

“It completely undermines the economics of flying for these … airlines,” he says.

Governments will almost certainly help some airlines through the crisis and beyond, especially given the vital role they are currently playing as cargo and emergency personnel carriers, Chandra says.

“But it’s hard to believe governments would bail all of them out because that would be a massive amount of money,” he adds.

“So my guess is we see sharply lower competition, which would mean that airfares would have to rise which would (also) mean the days of leisure travel, people just jetting off for the weekend to some holiday destination seem like they are over.”

Jim Scott, president and CEO of Edmonton-based Flair airlines, the country’s third largest, certainly hopes that is not the case.

The discount airline has been flying successfully under the load-’em-up strategy since 2005.

He is counting on equitable government aid to help his airline survive.

Ottawa should not pick favourites when dealing with an airline crisis that has seen passenger loads drop by 90 per cent during the pandemic, says Scott.

He is looking for the federal government to underwrite loans that, he says, Flair would repay within two years.

This is a critical time for a cash infusion and if the government doesn’t step in now “we’re going to see ourselves back to that (Air Canada WestJet) duopoly where our airfares are probably the most expensive of any G-7 country,” he says.

As air travel gets ready to open back up under the new conditions, Scott says Flair is looking at options that include passengers paying a premium to have the seat beside them empty.

“This is going to be a reality, I think because people are going to want to have some empty space next to them and they’re going to be prepared to pay for it.”

But it’s not just the in-flight experience that is going to change, says Dimanche. The airport experience will change, too.

Many of the international airports built over the past two decades, including Toronto’s Pearson, were created as cathedrals of commerce and opulence — elements that will largely disappear with the demands of the current disease.

In one sense it was fortunate the terminals were built on a monumental scale, Dimanche says. “We’re going to need that space because we’re going to have to spread out.”

But he expects the high-end retail, art and entertainment installments the space was meant to accommodate to largely disappear.

“We don’t want people to stay in the airport anymore, but when they are at the airport they are going to have to be following very, very precise procedures with distancing, so we will need the space,” Dimanche says.

But even with all those measures in place, the pandemic has likely spread a fear of flying though the population that could hobble the airline industry for decades.

“Every cabin is sort of the perfect environment for germs to spread (whether) your neighbour is three feet away as opposed to six inches away,” Chandra says.

Adds Dimanche: “It’s a total change of behaviour that we need to be ready for.”

© Copyright Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd. 1996 – 2020

Electronic meetings under emergency orders

May 7th, 2020

Remember, electronic meetings aren’t a quick fix solution

Tony Gioventu
The Province

Dear Tony:

What happens when an electronic meeting has to adjourn as a result of technical issues and voting problems?

We held our annual meeting last week via Zoom conference. The meeting was confusing from the beginning. No one had planned how the registration was going to take place, how voting cards were going to be issued and how the voting was to be conducted. At one point everyone was unmuted and arguing and for 56 participants online and by phone it was a gong show.

We had to adjourn the meeting and reschedule for two weeks later to get assistance on process. The question came up at the meeting as to whether we had to reissue notice because we adjourned the meeting? Our property manager advised that we could adjourn the meeting and simply issue a new date and time for owners to participate.

Hopefully you have had some recent experience that would be helpful for owners.

Napur D., Surrey

Dear Napur:

While electronic meetings are now permitted under emergency orders in British Columbia, they are not a quick fix solution. The duties of creating a proper notice package complete with instructions on how the meeting will be conducted, the correct proxy and/or ballot form to go with the notice and the procedures at the meeting is time consuming.

At the minimum, you should have someone to chair the meeting, someone to act as the registrar to identify all the parties who have registered on your platform such as Zoom, those participating by phone, and someone to receive and calculate all of the votes that instructed on the proxy or at the time the votes are taken. Allow for at least twice as much time for the meeting procedures to be conducted, and don’t limit the time of your Zoom meeting as you may be required to open a voting window and calculate votes before the meeting is terminated.

If you have problems with your meeting, you will be required to terminate the meeting and issue new notice. The only time a meeting is adjourned is when the quorum requirements are not met. Whatever method your strata corporation chooses to use, everyone must have the same opportunities to participate. You cannot permit some participants physically at a meeting and insist others have to issue a proxy or attend online. Zoom and Google Meet are easy platforms and permit entry by both online access and phone. Make sure you have provided a local Canadian phone number for the same event.

Issue your notice by paper/email to your owners list at least 20 days in advance of the meeting.

The essence of electronic meetings is that you require a method where participants must be able to communicate — hear and be heard when required. When a strata corporation has over 50 units and participants this can be daunting to say the least. Don’t expect your property manager to simply manage the meeting without significant demand on their time, and additional staff to assist with the process.

A procedural plan will help you manage your meeting effectively:

  • The notice package requires detailed instructions identifying how the registration and the meeting will be conducted and if it will be recorded.
  • Include a restricted proxy with the proposed resolutions for those owners who wish to ensure their voting is protected.
  • Include a voting ballot with the same information as the proxy, that can be used during the meeting when the vote is taken.
  • Advance poll your owners for possible council nominees before you send out the notice package or in advance of the meeting so they may be added to the nomination list.
  • Issue your notice by paper/email to your owners list at least 20 days in advance of the meeting.
  • Hold a shorter information session the week before to help your council, manager and owners prepare for the meeting.
  • When the meeting is called to order, one person will be required to screen the waiting room and identify who each of the eligible voters attending will be, this will establish your quorum. If there is any confusion, you may be required to call the roll of all strata lots at the beginning to establish who is on the meeting.
  • Require all participants, except the chairperson, to be muted if possible. Identify how they can “raise their hand” to ask a question regarding a resolution or make a motion to amend a resolution. Because of the complications associated with amendments, avoid amendments to three-quarter vote, 80 per cent vote and unanimous vote resolutions unless absolutely necessary.
  • Set a time when voting will be open. To save time you could discuss all the resolutions and nominations first and then open a voting window where each owner participating can submit their vote by email to be calculated along with any restricted proxies that were issued. For example, the meeting can be called to order at 4 p.m. with a set voting time for the resolutions announced once the discussion is over. Eligible voters vote between (4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.) by emailing their completed voting card, identifying their name, unit number/strata lot number to the designated email provided. The votes are calculated along with the proxies and voting results are announced and the meeting is terminated. Anonymous voting cannot be audited so secret ballots are unlikely; however, the strata corporation retains the ballots and proxies as evidence of the procedures and only reports the total voting results in the minutes unless a poll is required.

© 2020 Postmedia Network Inc.

Carson 2328 167A Street Surrey 40 three bedroom or three bedroom and a den townhomes by Royale properties

May 7th, 2020

Carson shows off family-friendly credentials

Simon Briault
The Province

What do young families look for in a new home? With its latest townhome project in the Grandview Heights neighbourhood of South Surrey, Royale Properties is betting on these key components being near the top of the list: a friendly neighbourhood close to shops, restaurants and schools; quality homes equipped with smart technology and lots of open space; a touch of exclusivity; and easy access to nature.

The award-winning builder’s 40-unit Carson development is perfect for families, according to Tianne Davidson, a sales manager with Axis Real Estate Solutions Inc. who is working with Royale Properties.

“We’ve found most of our purchasers to be younger families or first-time buyers who are looking for more space than they’re currently in,” Davidson said. “We’re perfectly positioned, within walking distance between two brand new schools that are scheduled to open in September 2021 – an elementary school and a secondary school.”

“One of the things that’s great about our B-Series plans is that the homes have raised back yards,” Davidson added. “People with kids and/or pets can walk right out to their fully-fenced, private back yard from the main floor. In most townhome developments you need to go down to the ground level and out through the front door or through the garage.”

Speaking of garages, many of them at Carson can fit two cars side-by-side, a fact much appreciated by Farzeen Mawji and his partner Ryan Cuillerier, who have just moved into their new home in the development.

“We like that our home is wider than a typical townhouse,” said Mawji. “The quality of light is great, and the living area overlooks a nice open space with trees. Our windows are east-west – there’s this wonderful warm glow and we get a bit of the evening sunset.”

“The neighbourhood is very well connected,” Mawji added. “Everything we need from a living perspective is in Surrey – lots of great restaurants and grocery stores. It’s all nearby.”

“Grandview Heights is definitely a growing neighbourhood with a big pedestrian focus,” said Davidson. “There’s a downtown feel, but it’s still a very family-friendly place to be. There are lots of trails in the area and you can obviously walk to restaurants and shops as well.”

As for the homes themselves, Davidson said they’re smarter than most. They include TELUS SmartHome® automation systems and Mawji was particularly pleased to be able to get notifications on his phone when the washer and dryer are done.

“They seemed to have chosen premium finishing as well and it feels great,” he said. “We’ve only just moved in and there’s still some unpacking for us to do but it already feels like home. They’ve done a really nice job and as you live in it you notice more and more details.”

Kitchens at Carson feature flat panel cabinetry with soft-close doors and drawers, polished quartz backsplashes and countertops, full-height pantries and undermounted double-bowl stainless steel sinks. The appliance packages are by LG and include counter-depth French door refrigerators and freezers with ice and water dispensers, gas ranges and convection ovens.

Bathrooms come with imported porcelain tile flooring, flat panel cabinetry, frameless glass showers with quartz wall tiles, dual undermount sinks and quartz countertops. Second bathrooms feature deep soaker tubs with oversized porcelain tile surrounds, undermount sinks, vanity mirrors and dual-flush toilets.

“Carson has that intimate and boutique feel to it versus a big complex with 100 or 200 homes,” said Davidson. “You’ll get to know your neighbours more and you’re not going to have all that extra traffic. The other thing with a small community like this is that there won’t be years of construction right on your doorstep.”

Homes at Carson have either three bedrooms or three bedrooms and a den. They range in size from 1,361 to 1,528 square feet and are priced from $669,900.

“It’s just great to have a brand-new place with all the new appliances and everything else,” said Mawji. The finishing is a big highlight for us. It just feels like a very well-built home.”


Project location: 2328 167A Street

Project size: 40 townhomes with either three bedrooms or three bedrooms and a den, ranging in size from 1,361 to 1,528 square feet and priced from $669,900

Developer: Royale Properties

Architect: Focus Architecture

Interior designer: Kleen Design

Sales centre: 2328 167A Street, South Surrey

Hours: By appointment only

Sales phone: 604-538-3883


© 2020 Postmedia Network Inc

Airbnb CEO Delivers Empathetic, Transparent Message Regarding Layoffs

May 7th, 2020

Global tech and service companies, are not immune to the economic downturn

Nicole Schuman

As of today, 33.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment. And it appears no one, even global tech and service companies, are immune to the economic downturn.

On May 5, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky sent a message to employees, also made available for public viewing on the company’s blog, outlining the economic state of Airbnb and where it needed to go next. Unfortunately, that included layoffs. Twenty-five percent of Airbnb’s workforce, or 1,900 people out of the company’s 7,500 total staff, lost their jobs. Yet Chesky delivered the news in a way that should make most CEOs and their communications departments take notice.

The 3,374-word letter addressed employees with an empathetic tone, showcasing a passion for the company and care for the workforce. It included not only a detailed background into the financials of the company, but a description of how it came to the decision to make reductions.

Clarity and Benefits

The message also included clear language regarding severance (a hefty 14-week package of base pay, plus one additional week for every year at Airbnb), equity (waving service time requirements; now every employee is a shareholder), healthcare (all employees receive 12 months paid health insurance), and tools available for job support.

The letter also describes what will happen after the announcement, and how employees will receive their notice. Here Chesky outlines the plan for employees in the United States and Canada, with more information forthcoming regarding other countries after town-hall style meetings.

Gratitude and Inspiration

Chesky’s final words really stay with the recipient. He expresses gratitude and inspiration acquired through his employees. He acknowledges the original company motto and how it applies to the work they have done.

“Our mission is not merely about travel. When we started Airbnb, our original tagline was, ‘Travel like a human.’ The human part was always more important than the travel part. What we are about is belonging, and at the center of belonging is love.”

He also addresses those staying and those leaving separately, placing importance on those leaving and letting them know their departure is not their fault.

Respect and Courtesy

Communicating layoffs certainly is one of the hardest parts of the job for any CEO, human resources manager or PR professional. But Chesky provided a masterclass in how to address employees with respect and courtesy, making each one feel valued as individuals and simultaneously part of  the Airbnb family. This approach finds favor rather than surprising individuals with layoff calls, or deleting all appointments on an employee’s calendar without notice, creating a culture of fear and disrespect.

And employees, although certainly distressed after hearing the news, took to social media to express their gratitude for the thorough messaging, making them some of the brand’s most certifiable ambassadors. With all of the offers for job leads, social media is currently former Airbnb employees’ greatest networking tool.

© 2020, Access Intelligence, LLC.

From Hong Kong to New York, luxury properties are getting cheaper

May 7th, 2020

Luxury property prices fell in the first quarter as COVID-19 takes it toll


Luxury property prices in some of the world’s most popular cities fell in the first quarter as Covid-19 began to take its toll on the real estate sector.

High-end homes in New York, London, Hong Kong, Vancouver and Singapore saw their values dip versus the first three months of 2019, according to a Knight Frank LLP report released Thursday.

Compared with the December quarter, all five cities registering the weakest growth were in Asia — testimony to the spreading coronavirus in the region at the time.

By contrast, the crisis “was in its nascent stages in the U.K. and the U.S., meaning it is likely to be the second quarter before we can accurately gauge the full impact,” Knight Frank said.

But, even in the midst of a pandemic, prime home prices in some cities, including Tokyo and Stockholm, rose.

Knight Frank expects the luxury residential market worldwide to be broadly stagnant as a result of travel limitations.

“With travel restrictions firmly in place and with many solicitors and land registries largely closed we expect the second quarter to see a marked drop in sales volumes,” it said. Prices, on the other hand, may display more resilience. 

Copyright Bloomberg News

What real estate will look like post-COVID-19 – The old normal, now normal and new normal

May 7th, 2020

COVID-19 crisis has changed real estate procedures

Richard Robbins

What will real estate look like post-COVID-19?

Richard Robbins takes a look at how the crisis has changed real estate procedures and how to prepare now for the post-COVID-19 future. The “new normal” of the real estate business is likely to be much different than the old ways of doing things.

Watch the Video

© 1989-2020 REM Real Estate Magazine

Reverse Mortgages being used as a financing option to aid family in the wake of COVID-19

May 7th, 2020

Millennials are feeling the burn from COVID-19 due to lost jobs

Kasi Johnston
Mortgage Broker News

In one way or another, we have all been impacted by the coronavirus. In fact, almost two-thirds of Canadian households suffered from loss of income due to job losses or temporary layoffs and furloughs.

While negative impact is recognized across all generations, millennials seem to have been hit the hardest. According to research by TransUnion, 76% of Canadian millennials are feeling the burn from COVID-19, largely stemming from a reduction in work hours, losing their job or a partner losing their job.

For older Canadians looking to help their families cope with financial burdens due to COVID-19, many may consider withdrawing from retirement savings, or selling assets to generate cash. While these strategies can certainly increase liquidity, there are risks and long-term impacts that should be considered.

“These strategies could negatively impact their future retirement income. But selling off their assets in such an unpredictable environment only adds risk and uncertainty to the equation” said Agostino Tuzi, National Director, Mortgage Broker Channel at HomeEquity Bank.

One potential solution to consider would be taking a reverse mortgage. It’s an option that’s been helping Canadians in their sunset years access cash for several reasons, whether it’s travel, paying off debts or helping family members out. In fact, even before the pandemic, a record number of Canadian seniors were tapping into their home equity to help pay their debts.

Reverse mortgages have been growing by over 28% annually across the country. In 2019, HomeEquity Bank reported a record $820 million in reverse mortgages originations, up from $309 million just five years ago. They offer the CHIP Reverse Mortgage, previously known as The Canadian Home Income Plan, which allows borrowers 55 years and older to access up to 55% of their homes value without having to sell, and use those funds to help support family members. This is a long-term solution that is flexible, allowing homeowners to withdraw funds either in a lumpsum or monthly installments, and it doesn’t require any payments before moving or selling.

“That’s something people often forget,” said Tuzi. “Because we don’t require any regular mortgage payments until the homeowner moves, sells their home or passes away, a reverse mortgage is essentially a lifetime deferral plan.”

While the CHIP reverse mortgage has become a popular option among retirees who just wanted to reach a bit deeper into their pockets, it’s now becoming an increasingly important solution for families who want to lend a helping hand to their loved ones. For many Canadian seniors, their home is their greatest asset, but also their greatest source of comfort and wellbeing. Now, through a reverse mortgage, that very home can also be a source of multigenerational relief, as families come together to make it through the tough times.

Copyright © 2020 Key Media