Modena looking south
7th & Hemlock
looking west, Siena
Tower & Concrete townhouses behind
Carrara entrance looking north
Carrara sign
Carrara touwhouses at 6th & Granville
Carrara townhouses at
6th & Granville with
Tower behind looking north
Carrara townhouses on 6th looking east with tower behind
Close-up Carrara townhouses on 6th looking east
Close-up looking east on 6th with Verona mid-rise
Commercial section of Verona mid-rise looking south on Granville
Courtyard between
6th & 7th looking west from Hemlock
Courtyard looking south on 6th between Verona mid-rise & Siena tower
Looking down
Hemlock to the north with Siena tower
east on 6th
with verona mid-rise townhouses in front & Siena tower behind
Looking north on Granville west side of Carrara townhouses & commercial
Modena entrance
looking north
Modena entrance
Modena sign
Modena townhouses looking east
Siena entrance looking south
Siena entrance looking west
Siena entrance looking west on 6th
Siena sign
Siena concrete townhouses behind building with Verona behind on
7th looking west
Siena concrete townhouses on 7th close-up
Siena townhouses looking east on 7th
Siena townhouses next to building on 6th
Siena tower back part of building looking north
Siena tower looking north with townhouses on right
Siena tower looking up
Siena Underground parking entrance on 6th
Townhouses 6th & Granville commercial secton of Verona mid-rise
looking south on Granville
Townhouses on W 7th back part of 7th
Verona high-rise behind with commercial in front looking east from
Granville & 7th
Verona mid-rise looking north 6th & Granville
Verona mid-rise looking north on Granville
Verona sign
Verona tower & townhouses
to right on 7th
Verona tower looking west
Verona tower on 7th & Granville looking west