Gym, Pool, Parking, Sauna/Steam Room, Jacuzzi, Lounge with kitchen, Elevator, Recreation Facility, Billiard and Sports Lounge, Massage & Spa Room, Guest Suites, Air Conditioning, Theatre Room, Sauna Room, Lounge, Garden, Squash Court
Facilities Location:
There are 4 buildings that share the facilities at "Club Viva". These facilities are connected to the West One building at 1408 North Strathmore but it also has a separate entrance at 428 Pacific. This entrance is used by the owners of the other buildings.
Concierge for Waterford 604-899-6207 (o) 604-899-6219 (f)
West One – 1408 Strathmore
Parkwest – 455 Beach
Azura I – 1438 Richards
Waterford – 1483 Homer