1050 Expo Proposed Institutional Housing, 1050 Expo, BC

1050 Expo, Vancouver, BC,
1 - Concord Pacific, Downtown & Yaletown Area
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Under Construction
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Main Image for 1050 Expo Proposed Institutional Housing, 1050 Expo

1050 Expo, Vancouver, This property is one of the 12 sites in the City-Province 2007 partnership which is currently intended will be run by St. James Community Service Society & The 127 Society for Housing. There is a development approval for a 9-storey supportive housing building with 133 units on the site, http://vancouver.ca/commsvcs/planning/dpboard/2008/Minutes/aug25.html. However, at the present time funding for all twelve non-market housing schemes has yet to be confirmed by BC Housing (the Provincial agency responsible for funding these projects) and only six are currently under construction. The timing for building the remaining schemes, including 1050 Expo, is not known at the present time as it is entirely dependent on Provincial spending decisions.

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Development Application

Site Location

Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008


Location of Proposed Site
Picture taken August 2008



The Information Below Is Supplied By The Yaletown Residence Association. The Comments and Opinions are Solely those of the individuals providing the information and do not reflect those of Les Twarog and his team.

1050 Expo Boulevard: Yaletown Residents are Concerned!

The City of Vancouver is considering a development application to construct a 133-unit building at 1050 Expo Boulevard to house “single individuals who have low incomes, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and currently living in older hotels and rooming houses of Downtown1.” Under the proposal, “a third to a half of the 133 units would be occupied by persons with a mental illness and/or substance abuse problem2,” with a “minimum of 2 staff on duty1” at any given time.

The City’s only information mailing to nearby residents notifying them of the development application is dated 9 June 20081. While the City claims that “any development proposal for social housing on this site will be subject to public discussion through the development permit approval process2,” the Project Facilitator has stated that at the forthcoming public meeting of the Development Permit Board on 25 August 2008 at City Hall, the Board “are not debating the use of the building, as it has already been decided by City Council3.” This refers to a decision that was taken at a City Council meeting on 19 December 2007, nearly six months before the information mailing to residents, for which the City provided advance information via newspaper adverts that did not mention the address, size, or intended composition of residents of the proposed development; and via its website.

The City’s main experience of supported housing outside the Downtown Core is limited to apartment buildings ranging from 9 to 34 units2. The 1050 Expo Boulevard site was described as having “a maximum potential of 100 units4” at the City Council meeting of 19 December 2007. Subsequent to this meeting and without public consultation, the proposed number of units was increased to 133. A study on the impact of supported housing on nearby communities, cited by the City itself2, found that for “large facilities with 53 or more residents, rates of reported violent and total crime increased significantly within 500 feet of the sites after they opened5.”

Where does the Yaletown Residents Association stand?

  1. We strongly support the provision of social housing in our community. At the same time we insist that Yaletown residents should be properly consulted about the development of 1050 Expo Boulevard. We are willing and eager to work in partnership with the City to form a plan to address both the need for social housing and the long term livability of Yaletown.
  2. We are greatly concerned by the size, composition, and very low minimum staffing levels of the proposed 1050 Expo Boulevard building. We believe the proposal in its current form is not in the best interests of either the future residents of the building or existing Yaletown residents.

If you are also concerned then:

  • Send email to the Mayor and City Council at [email protected], or register your concern by writing your name and address in the box below and mailing this letter to Mayor and Council, City of Vancouver, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1V4
  • Sign the request at www.ipetitions.com/petition/insufficient-notification for a meeting between the Yaletown Residents Association and the City Council at which all aspects of the proposed 1050 Expo Boulevard development will be open for discussion
  • Send email to [email protected] to ask to speak at the 25 August 2008 meeting of the Development Permit Board at 3.00pm in Committee Room No.1, 3rd Floor of City Hall
  • Email [email protected] to receive updates from the Yaletown Residents Association

1 Notification letter dated 9 June 2008, distributed to residents living near to 1050 Expo Boulevard
2 City of Vancouver website www.vancouver.ca/commsvcs/housing/reservedsites/owned/1050ExpoBlvd.htm
3 Email sent by John Greer, City of Vancouver Project Facilitator for 1050 Expo Boulevard, 31 July 2008
4 Memorandum of Understanding between BC Housing and the City, approved by Vancouver City Council on 19 December 2007
5 G. Galster et al, “The impact of supportive housing on neighborhood crime rates”, J. Urban Affairs vol. 24, pp. 289–315, 2002

The City of Vancouver considers that newspaper adverts like this were sufficient notification of the City Council special meeting on 12 Dec 2007 for the proposed 1050 Expo Boulevard development.


  • No mention of 1050 Expo Boulevard
  • No description of the number of units or the intended composition of residents in the proposed development
  • Details can be found only by following links to the City’s website
  • Information mailing to nearby Yaletown residents undertaken only in June 2008, six months after the City Council’s decision
  • The City claims there will be “public discussion through the development permit approval process”, but states that at the public meeting on 25 Aug 2008, the Development Permit Board “are not debating the use of the building, as it has already been decided by City Council1”

We consider the notification process followed by the City of Vancouver for the Special Council Meeting on the proposed 1050 Expo Boulevard development to be inadequate. We request a meeting between the Yaletown Residents Association and the City Council at which all aspects of the proposal will be open for discussion.
